I tried the current release MITK FlowBench version v2023.04 (in the previous version it was working) and it crashes, when accepting a segmentation.
It is independent of the image.
I just created a simple task list:
{ "FileFormat": "MITK Segmentation Task List", "Version": 1, "Name": "Kaapana Task List", "Tasks": [ { "Image": "get-input-data/IM-0001-0331.dcm", "Result": "mitk-results/result.dcm", "Name": "m2olie_019 task 0" } ] }
An executed it with:
/mitk/MitkFlowBench.sh /mitk/tasklist.json
Everything is loaded correctly and works fine, until I want to store a created segmentation:
--------------------------------------------------------------- [10.390] Writing image: /home/hanno/project/mitk/MITK-v2023.04-linux-x86_64/mitk-results/result.dcm Aborted (core dumped)