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[SEG] Storing segmentation as DICOM Seg failes if reference image is not a valid DICOM
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Test image is MITK-Data/3D+t-Heart
When tried to save the segmentation node in Data Manager as labels.dcm exception occurs.

31.48 core.mod.mltLbl.dicomSegIo: Writing image: C:/Users/a178n.AD/Documents/labels.dcm
W: StudyInstanceUID (0020,000d) violates VR definition in GeneralStudyModule
W: FrameOfReferenceUID (0020,0052) empty in FrameOfReferenceModule (type 1)
Condition failed: Value Representation violated in C:\MITK_ws3\MITK-superbuild\ep\src\DCMQI\libsrc\ImageSEGConverter.cpp:112

Reason: The test image is not fully DICOM compliant (see log output). Currently the input image is always parsed by dcmqi (dcmtk) when storing the segmentation.

Should be solved through T26951. As it would avoid the need of parsing the input file.

Event Timeline

floca renamed this task from [SEG] Storing segmentation as DICOM Seg sometimes failes to [SEG] Storing segmentation as DICOM Seg failes if reference image is not a valid DICOM.Feb 27 2024, 9:23 AM
kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Moved to
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

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