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[Checklist] Segmentation 3D Interpolation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Minor issues reported during testing hackathon, which can be fixed with checklist updates.

  1. draw a segmentation mask in different image slices in a single render window, leaving empty slices in between -> In the 3D render window black contours are drawn around the green interpolated surface. -> Actually, contours are drawn in red.
  2. Use “Undo” / “Redo” buttons from the MITK tool bar -> The interpolation is updated accordingly. -> Actually, Interpolation is only updated when reinit interpolation button is clicked.
  3. select “3-Dimensional” as interpolation mode -> The interpolated contour is rendered again. -> Actually, Interpolation is only updated when reinit interpolation button is clicked.
  4. click “Confirm” -> The selected interpolation mode changes to “Disabled”. -> Actually, the dropdown Stays at 3-Dimensional.
  5. Load the previously saved *.mitk-file -> In the 3D render window black contours are drawn & The segmentation tools and the “Interpolation” area are available again. The selected interpolation mode is the previously used mode (“3-Dimensional”). -> Actually, the dropdown shows "Disabled" & contour is red.
  1. Above test cases are reported as such because there was no number to test case. Test cases needs numbering

Event Timeline

a178n triaged this task as Normal priority.Nov 20 2023, 11:26 AM
a178n created this task.
a178n updated the task description. (Show Details)
a178n updated the task description. (Show Details)
a178n updated the task description. (Show Details)

Whoever corrects these, please update the contour colours across the checklist for consistency.

recheck if the problems are still there if my interpolation changes are merged in.

The points that are still true, should be rediscussed if check list is to be altered or code or nothing

floca moved this task from Backlog to Segmentation on the MITK (v2024.06) board.

@a178n could you please recheck the points as soon as D900/T30294 is landed?

@a178n now you can recheck it with develop

After testing:

  1. Contours are still in red. Not black.❌ -> Checklist updated should suffice.
  2. Interpolation is updated immediately. No need to reinit anymore. ✔
  3. Interpolation is updated immediately. No need to reinit anymore. ✔
  4. Dropdown is still in 3-Dimensional, not on Disabled. ❌ -> Checklist updated could suffice as fix.
  5. There is no contour. Dropdown on "Disabled" ❌
kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Moved to

This task was closed here on Phabricator since it was migrated to GitLab. Please continue on GitLab.