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PlanarFigure names are displayed always on top of everything else
Closed, WontfixPublic


Should be consistent with PlanarFIgure lines, i.e., annotations should be displayed just above the dataset they belong to, but below datasets which are higher up in the data storage

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Currently, the method mitk::VtkPropRenderer::WriteSimpleText() is used to print text annotations for PlanarFigures. The method internally uses VTK text printing, which is displayed as overlay in MITK by default.

Changing this behaviour would either require the text printing in MITK renderers to be modified, or a different method to be used.

Since the described scenario does probably not ocur often, this does not seem relevant for 3M3. (Removing keyword.)

removing blocker for meta bug. since this is now a closed subproject, new or still open bugs will not have a metabug relationship anymore

Resetting all bugs without active assignee flag to "CONFIRMED". Change status to IN_PROGRESS if you are working on it.

kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.
This task was automatically closed because it wasn't updated at least since July 2016 (over 2 years). Please re-open this task if you think that it is still relevant. This most probably means that you will resolve it.