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MITK ExtApp crashes on first start after new compile
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If you run a new cmake build and compile MITK the ExtApp crashes on the first run. On the second run it works. (our system in Windows 7 / 64 bit)

Event Timeline

perhaps this bug is also caused by the X/.ExtApp folder. But I'm not sure, so I'll wait a few days if it occures again.

Screenshot of the crash in debug mode

crash.jpg (1×1 px, 547 KB)

I was wrong, the bug occures although the X/.ExtApp folder was deleted. But it
seem that it does not occure after every cmake run.

I'll attach a screenshot after this crash in debug mode.

At the moment, starting the same executable from different build trees (e.g. Debug and Release builds on Windows) without deleting the .<app-name> folder prior to running it is not supported.

kislinsk claimed this task.