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Level Window bound by image values
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The level-window is bounded by the minimum and maximum values of the image. This blocks certain level-window settings the user/radiologist might want or might be used to.

Thus, the range of the level window should not be limited to the range of the image voxels, but should extend the range if the user tries to enlarge the sliding-window by mouse interaction.

Event Timeline

After exceeding the upper bound of the window while changing the level-window with pressed mouse and move the interaction isn't working.

  • click on the level-window bar and hold left mouse button pressed
  • move mouse left towards upper bound until the maximum is reached
  • move a bit futher
  • the interaction with the level-window is not working
  • move far to the right until the bar changes again

[73f82b]: Merge branch 'bug-8690-LevelWindow-bound-by-image-values'

Merged commits:

2012-09-18 00:12:19 Andreas Fetzer [0b7e1d]
Enlarged default range which is set according to the loaded image. Now the range of the default level window scale will be a little bit bigger than the defaul level window. This is done because the changes for T8690. Now if the user interacts with the levelwindow the levelwindow scale is no longer limited to the image histogramm but increases according to the user settings. Increasing the scale range by default prohibits a change of the scale size right with the first user interaction.

2012-09-18 00:07:12 Andreas Fetzer [40cbf9]
Removed check for valid level and window. This forced the window to remain within the default range which is given by the image independent from user interaction

2012-09-18 00:06:07 Andreas Fetzer [35b6cf]
Removed check for valid levelwindow. This forced the window to remain within the default range which is given by the image independent from user interaction

2012-09-18 00:03:48 Andreas Fetzer [0d08f3]
Changed parameter autoexpand to default true

[90cb2d]: Merge branch 'bug-8690-LevelWindow-bound-by-image-values'

Merged commits:

2012-09-21 13:33:19 Andreas Fetzer [44c3f7]
COMP Fixed too late max/min range comparison for autoexpand = true and fixed mitkLevelWindowTest