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ExtApp crashes if planar figure is used without image
Closed, ResolvedPublic


ExtApp crashes if planar figure is used in FiberBundleOperationsView without previously loaded image.

Steps to reproduce bug:

  • open FiberBundleOperationsView
  • draw circle

-> crash

Event Timeline

Resetting all bugs without active assignee flag to "CONFIRMED". Change status to IN_PROGRESS if you are working on it.

planar figure needs a geometry. otherwise it crashes.

Tried to fix it with exception handling, but the error occurs somewhere deep in QT code, so this does not work. Implemented a much more simple solution. It needs a Fiber Bundle to work so no the buttons for these planar figures are enabled and disabled depending on whether there are fiber bundles in the current selection or not.

[a9eaa7]: Merge branch 'bug-8858-planarFigureCrash'

Merged commits:

2011-08-18 10:19:28 Thomas Van Bruggen [34033f]
Fixed by deactivating buttons when no fiber bundle is selected

2011-08-17 10:14:57 Thomas Van Bruggen [3ce5a9]
intermediate commit

2011-08-11 14:33:37 Thomas Van Bruggen [51203f]
intermediate commit

[a27d8d]: Merge branch 'bug-8858-planarFigureCrash'

  • bug-8858-planarFigureCras

Merged commits:

2011-08-19 17:51:06 Sascha Zelzer [e86c75]
Added missing QmitkPlotWidget.h to MOC_H_FILES variable.