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Deformable Clipping Plane Plugin
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Implement a plugin where a plane/surface can be deformed. After clipping an image the volume of the resected parts should be calculable.

[00a931]: Merge branch 'bug-9265-Deformable_Clipping_Plane'


Merged commits:

2011-12-07 14:20:06 Jasmin Metzger [50b2b4]
Change the HeightFieldSurfaceClipImageFilter to make handling/clipping with several surfaces possible. (There is a limit of 7 surfaces)

Also a problem with the interpolation (only when the surface is defomed) was detected. Strange artefacts was the result of the clipping. the moment there is no interpolation.

2011-12-07 14:07:30 Jasmin Metzger [333398]
Add three new tools to the modules folder.

  1. ClippingPlaneDeformationTool: this tool handles the deformation of a surface (add/remove mitkSurfaceDeformationInteractor3D)
  2. ClippingPlaneTranslationTool: this tool handles the translation (Movement in one direction) (add/remove mitkAffineInteractor3D)
  3. ClippingPlaneRotationTool: this tool handle the rotation (around the center) (add/remove mitkAffineInteractor3D)

2011-12-07 13:57:10 Jasmin Metzger [85757d]
Add the DeformableClippinPlaneView to the segmentation bundle.

2011-12-07 13:56:05 Jasmin Metzger [dae9c8]
New view class: Deformable clipping plan
With this view you can create several planes which can clip a segmentation. There are two functionalities: The plane modification(1) and the calculation of the clipped volume(2).

  1. The user can create several planes and with the selector he can choose one for deformation, rotation or translation (only in the 3D window).
  2. For the volume calculation the original image must be selected. All visible planes clipp the image and for each clipped part the volume would be calculated.

The new functionality is now available as a view under the segmentation bundle

[de0b8b]: Merge branch 'bug-9265-Deformable_Clipping_Plane'

Merged commits:

2012-01-13 15:18:19 Jasmin Metzger [eee155]
COMP: Changed the 'ui' include to a lower case.