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Make use of ForceImmediateUpdate() inside ForceImmediateUpdateAll()
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The mitkRenderingManager provides the two methods:
-ForceImmediateUpdate() <- for updating a single render window
-ForceImmediateUpdateAll() <- for updating all render windows

To ensure clean code the ForceImmediateUpdateAll() should call the ForceImmediateUpdate() method for each render window, instead of performing it's own update.

This bug seems to be very easy, but we have to investigate the site effects carefully! Also performance is very important here!

Event Timeline

The ForceImmediateUpdate()) method is now called from inside ForceImmediateUpdateAll() method passing the current vtkRenderWindow to the ForceImmediateUpdate() method.

[b641e5]: Merge branch 'bug-9315-ChangeForceUpdateMethods'

Merged commits:

2011-11-23 17:37:23 Sven Mersmann [6a682d]
Changed the ForceImmediateUpdateAll method to make it use the ForceImmediateUpdate method inside.

Everything pushed, bug is resolved.