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mersmann (Sven Mersmann)


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User Since
Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (416 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Aug 2 2016

mersmann added a comment to T17270: Scene serialization does not work for 4D data.

This bug seems to be indeed a problem with loading 4D images. It can be reproduced by loading the US4DCyl.nrrd from MITK-Data, saving it to a different file location and loading it again. The difference between the source image and the stored one is that the stored one is zipped.

Aug 2 2016, 10:10 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T17270: Scene serialization does not work for 4D data.

Bug has been resolved within T12953. Saving of 4D images works now, hence the saving of scene files with 4d images works as well.

Aug 2 2016, 10:10 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T17270: Scene serialization does not work for 4D data.

Scenes with 4D data provoke a crash of the MITK workbench.
In a first step this crash needs to fixed.
As a less critical feature a method for handling 4D data in scene files needs to be implemented.

Aug 2 2016, 10:10 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T17270: Scene serialization does not work for 4D data.

Loading of scene files containing 4D images does not work.

Aug 2 2016, 10:10 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T17270: Scene serialization does not work for 4D data: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:10 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16761: IDE crashes when compiling Segmentation plugin.


Aug 2 2016, 10:09 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16761: IDE crashes when compiling Segmentation plugin.

I checked the affected plugins in more detail.
The error occurs using the following plugins:

Aug 2 2016, 10:09 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16761: IDE crashes when compiling Segmentation plugin.

I cannot reproduce this bug with newer builds of MITK. Probably this bug was accidentially fixed by an other bug.

Aug 2 2016, 10:09 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16761: IDE crashes when compiling Segmentation plugin: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:09 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16527: Exclude QmitkSegmentationPostProcessing from segmentation plugin.

[fbbe42]: Merge branch 'bug-16527-RemoveQmitkSegmentationPostProcessing'

Merged commits:

2014-01-15 14:17:28 Sven Mersmann [f5882e]
Remove QmitkSegmentationPostProcessing from repository as it is no longer needed.

Aug 2 2016, 10:09 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16527: Exclude QmitkSegmentationPostProcessing from segmentation plugin: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:09 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16327: CTK external libraries are not included in library search paths.

This problem occurs on a CTK version that is currently not in use in MITK. Please decide whether it is release relevant once CTK gets updated.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

Implemented the unit test and integrated it in the testing framework. Set Needs_Core_Modification and release_fix flags.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

[f9501b]: Merge branch 'bug-16300-EnhanceCompareFilterWithThreeComponentImages'

Merged commits:

2013-11-20 15:17:44 Sven Mersmann [2bdb50]
COMP: Added missing include.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

Rename the mitkCompareImageFilter to mitkCompareImageDataFilter since the data are compared and not the entire image.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

Merged bug branch into master

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

Once the mitkCompareFilter works with three component images, the Equal() method needs to be adapted and integrated into the mitkOpenCVToMitkConversionTest.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

New remote branch pushed: bug-16300-EnhanceCompareFilterWithThreeComponentImages

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

The image comparison for equality does crrently not work with three component images...but it should.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

Included the filter in the equal method and tested it with mitkOpenCVToMitkImageConversionFilter, which worked. Now I write a unit test for the class.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

[a07de3]: Merge branch 'bug-16300-EnhanceCompareFilterWithThreeComponentImages'

Merged commits:

2013-11-13 16:49:33 Sven Mersmann [a5093c]
Integration of mitkMultiComponentImageDataComparisionTest as CUSTOM_MODULE_TEST.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

[e9d2ef]: Merge branch 'bug-16300-EnhanceCompareFilterWithThreeComponentImages'

Merged commits:

2013-11-20 15:02:16 Sven Mersmann [8de253]
COMP: Removed warnings and fixed the test.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images.

[c27890]: Merge branch 'bug-16300-EnhanceCompareFilterWithThreeComponentImages'

Merged commits:

2013-11-20 16:40:15 Sven Mersmann [2b404a]
COMP: Added passing of filter result to output.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16300: Enhance mitk equal function for images to work with three component images: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16278: Extend unit test for OpenCV to mitk::Image conversion.

New remote branch pushed: bug-16278-ExtendTestForOpenCvImageConversion

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16278: Extend unit test for OpenCV to mitk::Image conversion.

[d23d48]: Merge branch 'bug-16278-ExtendTestForOpenCvImageConversion'

Merged commits:

2013-10-21 13:23:32 Sven Mersmann [0a873d]
Enhanced the unit test for conversion of mitkImage to OpenCV image and back. Excluded the itkImageBridge for conversion to mitk for floating point images do not work with this class. Included namespace mitk.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16278: Extend unit test for OpenCV to mitk::Image conversion: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16278: Extend unit test for OpenCV to mitk::Image conversion.

[1cbbd8]: Merge branch 'bug-16278-ExtendTestForOpenCvImageConversion'

Merged commits:

2013-10-21 14:57:55 Sven Mersmann [b9ffac]
COMP: Changed release of OpenCV cv::Mat object, which is not a pointer.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16278: Extend unit test for OpenCV to mitk::Image conversion.

The image conversion should now workfor all kinds of images. To test the three component images the mitkCompareFilter and accordingly the Equal() method needs to be modified (T16300).

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16254: Enhance SlicedData class by SetLargestPossibleRegion(): MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16247: Discuss possibilities to make the progress bar independent of QtEventLoop: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T16254: Enhance SlicedData class by SetLargestPossibleRegion().

New remote branch pushed: bug-16254-ImplementSetLargestPossibleRegion

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16246: Make scene reader status work in the progress bar: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2014-03), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16254: Enhance SlicedData class by SetLargestPossibleRegion().

[4930d6]: Merge branch 'bug-16254-ImplementSetLargestPossibleRegion'

Merged commits:

2013-10-11 14:14:33 Sven Mersmann [2825d2]
Method to set the largest possible region in a sliced data object implemented.

Aug 2 2016, 10:08 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16219: "Create New Segmentation" Button disabled in spite of selected image in Segmentation Tool.

Duplicate of T16223

Aug 2 2016, 10:07 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16217: Error/crash in run segmentation while already processing.

Fixed within T13180. Bug is closed.

Aug 2 2016, 10:07 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16217: Error/crash in run segmentation while already processing.

This bug seems to be a more general case and related to the T13180 (The progress bar is calling qApp->processEvents that results in enabling user interaction while synchronous process is going on).
It would be better to solve the main issue, and in this regards close this bug and set the bug-13180 to higher importance.

Aug 2 2016, 10:07 AM · MITK (2013-12), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16036: Crash when starting MITK Workbench for the first time.

It seems like this bug is related to the plugin list created by the ctkPlugin framework. At a certain point, which is not clearly reproducable yet, the plugin list is corrupted and the execution crashes, but only after /BlueBerry.clean.

Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T16036: Crash when starting MITK Workbench for the first time.

I'll check this issue!

Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T16011: Create Qt Help view: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · Auto-closed, Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added projects to T16002: Check if mitkSerialCommunication can be moved to IGT-Base: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15991: Refactor mitkSurfaceTest.

I think the test still uses the old test macros. These should be replaced by the new ones.

Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · Auto-closed, Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added projects to T15994: mitkWorkbench crashes while closing: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15994: mitkWorkbench crashes while closing.

The mitkWorkbench crashes while closing the application due to uninitialzed variable "plugin" in ctkPluginContextPrivate (l.42).

Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15969: Make Tooltip editable in QMitkNavigationToolCreationWidget.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15969-EditableTooltip

Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15969: Make Tooltip editable in QMitkNavigationToolCreationWidget: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15951: Fix failing IGT tests related to double/float conversion: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15951: Fix failing IGT tests related to double/float conversion.

Some unit tests are failing due to the conversion of double/float in the entire MITK.
These tests are:

Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15951: Fix failing IGT tests related to double/float conversion.

Results pushed to bug-15963-IGTCodingBase2.

Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15851: Create user manual for clipping plane view: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:06 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15741: Add vtkCellPointPicker to vtkPropRenderer.

[1f3cf6]: Merge branch 'bug-15741-NewPickingOption'

Merged commits:

2013-09-05 15:43:34 Sven Mersmann [bf4fdc]
Enhanced the picking option by CellPicking. The documentation gives some hints about usage of the different pickers.

Aug 2 2016, 10:05 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15743: Crash when loading .stl Surfaces in ASCII format.

Changed hardware flag to linux according to Michaels message.

Aug 2 2016, 10:05 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15741: Add vtkCellPointPicker to vtkPropRenderer.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15741-EnhanceVtkPropRenderer

Aug 2 2016, 10:05 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15741: Add vtkCellPointPicker to vtkPropRenderer.

This bug has been discussed in he MITK meeting and will be solved as described above.

Aug 2 2016, 10:05 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15741: Add vtkCellPointPicker to vtkPropRenderer.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15741-NewPickingOption

Aug 2 2016, 10:05 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15741: Add vtkCellPointPicker to vtkPropRenderer: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:05 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15741: Add vtkCellPointPicker to vtkPropRenderer.

Yes, No, Yes, in this order!
Their is another picker called vtkPropPicker, but I don't know if we really need this one.
The best docmentation on the picker is in the vtk book, so we could refer to this for detailed documentation.

Aug 2 2016, 10:05 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15575: Remove GetData() and Replace with ImageReadAccessor in ToF Modules.

All occurences of GetData() in ToF moudule removed. Bug is fixed.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15575: Remove GetData() and Replace with ImageReadAccessor in ToF Modules.

[9d9cd1]: Merge branch 'bug-15575-RemoveImageGetDataInToF'

Merged commits:

2013-07-10 16:13:16 Sven Mersmann [54ea11]
Removed the calls to GetData by calling an instance of the ImageReadAccessor.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15575: Remove GetData() and Replace with ImageReadAccessor in ToF Modules.

[d25103]: Merge branch 'bug-15575-RemoveImageGetDataInToF'

Merged commits:

2013-07-10 17:16:57 Sven Mersmann [5d6d28]
COMP: Changed check for empty image, since direct access to the empty data is not possible.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15575: Remove GetData() and Replace with ImageReadAccessor in ToF Modules: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15575: Remove GetData() and Replace with ImageReadAccessor in ToF Modules.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15575-RemoveImageGetDataInToF

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15514: Remove deprecated API functions in MitkExt.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15514-RemoveDeprecatedCallsInMitkExt

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15514: Remove deprecated API functions in MitkExt: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15514: Remove deprecated API functions in MitkExt.

[e5ba71]: Merge branch 'bug-15514-RemoveDeprecatedCallsInMitkExt'

Merged commits:

2013-07-03 17:58:47 Sven Mersmann [9a6f1b]
Removed Image::GetData() method and replaced it with mitk::ImageReadAccessors.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15514: Remove deprecated API functions in MitkExt.

Bug is fixed.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15511: Remove deprecated API functions in image statistics module and MeasurementToolbox.

Remove deprecated calls to Image::GetData() in the measurement module and view.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15509: mitkLevelWindowTest uses deprecated API: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15511: Remove deprecated API functions in image statistics module and MeasurementToolbox: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15501: mitkImageTest uses deprecated API.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15501-RemoveImageGetDataFromImageTest

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15501: mitkImageTest uses deprecated API.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15501-RemoveImageGetData()Call

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15501: mitkImageTest uses deprecated API: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15501: mitkImageTest uses deprecated API.

Bug is fixed.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15501: mitkImageTest uses deprecated API.

[0cc6d6]: Merge branch 'bug-15501-RemoveImageGetDataFromImageTest'

Merged commits:

2013-07-03 15:27:41 Sven Mersmann [dab571]
Removed all direct accesses to the image data and replaced it with mitk::ImageReadAccessors.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15501: mitkImageTest uses deprecated API.

Pushed branch with changed mitkImageTest.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15480: No saveBaseData without dialogs.

One further question, why the FileDialogPattern in mitk::ImageWriter still contains *.pic and *.pic.gz, those formats are deprecated since a while and the write support was stopped already.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15480: No saveBaseData without dialogs.

Now saving of images is not possible at all, I'll doublecheck this new problem and report to this bug.
First, the motivation of this bug remains unclear, what is the point to save base data?
Is this an flexible extension checking for different data types? Then T8209 should be related to this bug, since this will automatically solve it.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15480: No saveBaseData without dialogs.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15480-SavingOfImagesDoesntWork

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15480: No saveBaseData without dialogs.

Thanks for the context, I'll check this issue on my windows maschine and try to get a viable solution.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15392: Uninitialized variable in mitkManualSegmentationToSurfaceFilter.

[d523a1]: Merge branch 'bug-15392-RemoveUninitializedVariable'

Merged commits:

2013-06-17 10:09:25 Sven Mersmann [b0ce99]
Extended one comment and make it a debug info.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15392: Uninitialized variable in mitkManualSegmentationToSurfaceFilter: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15392: Uninitialized variable in mitkManualSegmentationToSurfaceFilter.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15392-RemoveUninitializedVariable

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15392: Uninitialized variable in mitkManualSegmentationToSurfaceFilter.

The fix is merged and works. Bug resolved.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15375: Area for one pixel in rectangle not displayed: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15364: Mac only: Preset transfer function "CT Bone (with gradient)" does not work: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15359: Exception caught and printed to GUI.

In T13162 a similar problem is described. That can be removed from that bug.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15359: Exception caught and printed to GUI.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15359-RemoveMisleadingErrors

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15359: Exception caught and printed to GUI.

[8650c1]: Merge branch 'bug-15359-RemoveMisleadingErrors'

Merged commits:

2013-06-19 17:48:42 Sven Mersmann [625593]
Remove misleading error messages. For open planar figures it is currently intended behavior to not show the statistics. Refer in this context also to T13162.

Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15359: Exception caught and printed to GUI: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:04 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15311: Generation of second independent segmentation not possible: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15311: Generation of second independent segmentation not possible.

After doublechecking the issue it is more a usability problem. When I generate a new segmentation, I expect to be able to immediatly work with segmentation. It should hence be considered to automatically select the new segmentation as the one that is manipulated.

Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T15093: Broken ImportItkImage following ITK4 migration.

I investigated this issue today using Jan's expanded unit test. It seems like the memory management is corrupted. Whit using mitk::ItkImageImport the memory is managed as a reference of the filter. So the image did not allocate its own memory field. Once the methods gets out of scope, the reference on the filter is lost and so are the data.
This problem can be solved by using the method mitk::GrabItkImageMemory(...) which is also implemented in the mitkITKImageImport class.
This method takes care of the allocated memory regardless of the output from the threshold filter.

Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T15040: Preview of 3D interpolation does not disappear.

This issue seems to be fixed?
Andi, did you work on this issue? There is nothing described in this bug!

Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added projects to T15040: Preview of 3D interpolation does not disappear: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · MITK (2013-06), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T14972: Very slow rendering of big surfaces.

Eric, if you work on this bug, please set it to IN_PROGRESS to prevent that somebody else takes it.

Aug 2 2016, 10:02 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T14930: Redesign Liver Operation Planning Software extern.

New remote branch pushed: bug-14930-LiverSurgeryPlanning_extern

Aug 2 2016, 10:02 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added projects to T14930: Redesign Liver Operation Planning Software extern: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:02 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T14930: Redesign Liver Operation Planning Software extern.

New remote branch pushed: bug-14930-MITKLiverSurgeryPlanning_rebase20130902

Aug 2 2016, 10:02 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
mersmann added a comment to T14736: RigidRegistration can't be executet two times.

[85d649]: Merge branch 'bug-14736-ExecutionOfRigidRegistration'

Merged commits:

2013-07-31 16:51:46 Sven Mersmann [236909]
Separate the image data of fixed and moving image from the view to prevent double memory access, which results in a thrown exception.

Aug 2 2016, 10:01 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
mersmann added a comment to T14736: RigidRegistration can't be executet two times.

Pushed to master, solution seems to work. Bug is fixed

Aug 2 2016, 10:01 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla