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Threshold Tool is not updating
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Threshold Segmentation is not updating preview, when changing value with UP and DOWN buttons. Its only updated when you use the slider.

Even if you have double images, you can only choose a full number for threshold, no float value possible.

Event Timeline

float values should now be possible, see T9348. Because of the update problem: maybe stefan has an idea because he solve a thresholding bug recently (adding cc)

[f58db1]: Merge branch 'bug-9515-Correct_Updating_ThresholdTool'

Merged commits:

2011-09-29 09:51:28 Jasmin Metzger [06eb33]
Using the up/down buttons will now update the view and slider.

The next step would be changing the QSpinner to an QDoubleSpinner and changing the logic to double values. Float images could be better segmented by the threshold tool then.

Stefan made a quickfix for thresholding float images. He is multiplying the float values by 100 and convert them into integer.

We are now working on a more generic solution. Still it is more complicated than it seems. We changed QSpinBox to QDoubleSpinbox and changed all signals in


from int to double.

Still working on it ..

should continue on that sometime soon

[466bc0]: Merge branch 'bug-9515-treshold2'

Merged commits:

2012-01-25 16:30:02 Bastian Graser [b8a94b]
Threshold works now with float images. The slider, which only accepts int values, is set to a value from 0-99, which is projected to a respective double value.

2012-01-25 13:31:18 Bastian Graser [50067a]
Merge branch 'bug-9515-threshold' into bug-9515-treshold2

2011-10-17 17:22:08 Bastian Graser [6458bb]
intermediate results

[59bf66]: Merge branch 'bug-9515-treshold3'

Merged commits:

2012-01-25 17:03:33 Bastian Graser [e764ea]
COMP Fixed Pixeltype check