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Visibility checkbox has to be clicked twice if the Segmentation view is active
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When the segmentation view is displayed then the node selection in the data manager behaves in a weird way.

If a node is selected and made visible (its checkbox is on) then if you click on another node's name, the previously selected image will not visible (checkbox off) and the new image will be visible. (Although you did not click in the checkbox, just on the name.)

However, if in the same situation you click inside of the checkbox of the other node (to make it visible), then the checkbox gets on for a moment and becomes off right after immediately. To turn it on, you have to click into the checkbox again.

I think, the intention behind this is that the segmentation view can work only with one reference image. The problem is that this happens even if you work in another view but accidentally the segmentation view is shown. (For a while I did not realize that this double clicking is needed because of the segmentation view.)

It would be much better to disable the Reference image combo and/or the tool buttons if the set of selection is not suitable. Also a message could be shown in the view.

Event Timeline

I'm pretty sure that Andreas already fixed that bug. I try to convince him to commit his changes very soon. ;)

That's great!

Just another notice.
It is a nice feature that if you make an image visible in the Data Manager when the Segmentation view is on, then the previous images will be set not visible.

I this way, the Left mouse button changes the (single) visible image and you can select more images by Ctrl + Left mouse button.

It would be very nice to have this as a default behavior in MITK, not just for the Segmentation plugin.

What do you think?

Hi Miklos,

the intention behind this weird behavior is that you have to tell the ToolManager which working data is currently selected. With respect to the usability if you select a segmentation its reference image is selected too. If another segmentation was selected previous it will be deselected (invisible) so that you can just see the selected image in the render windows.

A single mouse click on a node's name in order to make the not visible is not a good solution and won't be a feature in my fix for this issue any more. That is because MITK can't distinguish between a click on a node's name and a click on a node's checkbox. For just clicking on names there would be no problem.
But if you click on the checkbox of a node MITK changes the visibility AND then Qt comes and realizes that the checkbox status has changed and inverts the visibility property of the node. (That is why the segmentation bundle behaves so weird.)

I will have to make some final tests and I try to push my fix as soon as possible

Great, thank you so much!

Maybe I was not clear about the selection thing, I opened another issue about this, just for discussion, since it is not related to this one, anyway.

[5cf61c]: Merge branch 'bug-9767-WeirdNodeSelectionBehaviourOfSegmentationBundle

Merged commits:

2011-11-02 14:00:05 Andreas Fetzer [c8538b]
Uncommented some MITK_INFOs

2011-11-02 13:56:45 Andreas Fetzer [1fcd02]
Fixed an issue when segmentation is deactivated

Because the feedback contour node of the slices interpolation was removed
the ToolManager selection was set to null. Now the is a check for helper object
property before setting toolmanager selection

2011-10-31 16:46:58 Andreas Fetzer [9b8563]
Integrated new selection behaviour for the segmentation bundle.

Additionally now when selecting a new segmentationimage a global reinit is
performed on that image.

I confirm that the fix works.
Thank you!