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- User Since
- Feb 21 2017, 11:10 AM (417 w, 2 h)
Mar 23 2022
Mar 21 2022
Oct 28 2021
So after I switched the DICOM send from CTP to Airflow the issue should be solved.
I have sent multiple terabyte of data without any noteworthy issues.
I still think we could probably remove CTP completely (since it only is used as a DICOM receiver anyway and introduces a considerable amount of complexity to the system).
But it should work as it is right now and the removal can be handled as future work.
@s280a can we move this into "in progress" ?
Oct 18 2021
May 17 2021
Ok, but this makes not a big difference, right?
Here's what I think would be good for us:
- A single Dockerfile build-able without any local files
- The needed source-code should be downloaded via a direct git clone within the Dockerfile
- Internal usage would allow to pass credentials as build-args to git
- Models should be downloaded via curl during the build-process as well
- There should be two stages:
- Download and build source-code + download and unzip models
- Execution environment (incl. the models) - but without build dependencies, build tree etc
May 12 2021
The problem is the MBI branch, which is afaik not public.
If there is a working Dockerfile, which can be publicly build, I'm happy to include it.
Additionally the models need to be put somewhere to be downloaded (also public in this case).
Hope this helps.
Apr 29 2021
Apr 22 2021
Apr 8 2021
Feb 25 2021
Feb 24 2021
This is one of my model DICOMs (not 100% sure if this will reproduce it).
If not I can try to make bigger parts.
Feb 23 2021
Another issue I have regularly:
This could be an option.
We should still try to solve the multiple issues with CTP.
I'm not sure if there is a single source of failure - but I have a lot of trouble with it.
Feb 19 2021
Okay, nice. Last question: You currently have both a PhenotypingRelease and a ClassificationCmdApps configuration. The apps of the latter one are also included in the former configuration. Is it fine to just go for PhenotypingRelease then at the cost of a little larger tarball as also the workbench application is included? @schererj