Diffusion MITK 1652ac8d9f6a

T30387 highlight_labels


T30387 highlight_labels

QmitkMultiLabelInspector set node property "org.mitk.multilabel.labels.highlighted" according to the mouse position in the tree view.

removed unnecessary Modified()

First draft for label highlight support in LabelSetImageVtkMapper2D

Fixed updating of lookup table in visibility functions of LabelSetImage

Ensure that lookup changes in MultiLabel model are propagated

simplified and streamlined LabelSetImageVtkMapper2D pipeline

Proper support of label highlights in context menus

Deactivate highlighting while opacity is changed in context menu

Optimized lookup table modification to speed up

(not iterating through all possible pixelvalue, but only
the one that are relevant.)

1st draft for simlpe 3D multi label segmentation mapper

Remove label highlighting if mouse is moved out of a cell into the uncovered background of the view.

Clean up MultiLabelSegmentationVtkMapper3D draft and 2D mapper

Adadpted Multilabel mapper to only process a group image if this group image has changed.

Reduced unnecessary mapper data generation

Only generate a new image slice if the plane geometry realy differs.

Fixed some errors in the 3D volume viz

Test Plan: code review, ui testing

Reviewers: O1 MITK Reviewer Group I, kislinsk

Reviewed By: O1 MITK Reviewer Group I, kislinsk

Subscribers: kislinsk, s434n

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.mitk.org/D922


flocaAuthored on Apr 25 2024, 12:21 PM
flocaPushed on Apr 25 2024, 4:40 PM
O1: MITK Reviewer Group I
Differential Revision
Restricted Differential Revision
rMITK4c3faea624e7: fixed errors when the rendering plane is not intersecting the segmentation
rMITKbcb888d6510f: Merge branch 'feature/T30332-ToolBarPresets' into develop

Merged Changes