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ImageVtkMapper2D shall offer possibility to render binary outline with a shadow
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The ImageVtkMapper2D renders binary segmentations as outlines using a single line. In order to increase the contrast the mapper shall offer the possibility to draw a shadow around the outline. This massively increases visibility of the segmentation on grayscale displays as they are still very common in the medical world.

Event Timeline

I have modified the ImageVtkMapper2D as described in the Wiki specification.

It's now possible to paint the outline of the binary segmentation with a surrounding shadow to increase visibility.

Merge into master is missing! Please check ist after this week's release.

[1bec8f]: Merge branch 'bug-13052-binary-outline-rendering-with-shadow'

Merged commits:

2012-09-07 11:56:08 Markus Engel [225b11]
added possibility to render binary outlines with a shadow

Changes have been merged into master, bug can be closed now.