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Global reinit on closed render window view has no effect.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


If you open for example pic3D.nrrd, close the render window view and call a global reinit on the loaded image, nor the reinit takes place neither the render window is opened at all.

Event Timeline

Major loss of function, but not critical.

How to reproduce this:
-load pic3D
-close the "display view"
-right click on data node -> "global reinit"

> The display view is not reopened.

How to fix this:
-perform the same operation as on "reinit" which opens the "display view"

I think global reinit can call the same code as reinit and just pass the world geometry, however, I have no idea if the current implementation allows this.

New remote branch pushed: bug-13256-GlobalReinitOnClosedRenderWindowViewAsNoEffect

[1149f0]: Merge branch 'bug-13256-GlobalReinitOnClosedRenderWindowViewAsNoEffect

Merged commits:

2012-10-31 15:33:47 Alfred Franz [54b15d]
Global reinit now opens a new render window when there is none (like normal reinit)

Do you use the same code like globale reinit? That means: Is there a method like "openANewRenderWindow()" which is called in reinit and global reinit?

Yes, there is the method OpenRenderWindowPart(bool) in the class IRenderWindowPart