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DicomSeriesReader should store DICOM Tags for 'rows' and 'columns' as image properties
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The mitkDicomSeriesReader stores a set of DICOM Tags as properties on the mitkImage when loading.

This set of DICOM Tags should be extended to contain the tags

  • 0028x0010: rows
  • 0028x0011: columns

Event Timeline

Simple extension, passing more information to applications

New remote branch pushed: bug-14252-DicomSeriesReader-property-extension

[7cc773]: Merge branch 'bug-14252-DicomSeriesReader-property-extension'

Merged commits:

2013-01-11 16:00:06 Daniel Maleike [f93c1d]
Add Rows/Columns to list of provided properties

The tags for 'rows' and 'columns' are also stored in properties of the mitkImage now.