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Statistics Bundle crashes when Planar Figure is larger then image borders
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the statistics bundle you have the option to apply a mask to the region where the statistic is calculated from.

If you draw a measurement circle, which lies not fully within the image borders, MITK crashes.

St eps to reproduce:
1.Load an image (e.g. pic3D)

  1. Open Measurement Plugin and draw a circle that lies half outside the image
  2. Open statistics bundle
  3. Select the circle in the datamanager
  4. CRASH!

Event Timeline

Could not reproduce crash on coronal view, but did occur on axial as well as sagittal view.

Ok, I could not reproduce this in axial, but it occurs in both other views.

The application crashes when the QmitkImageStatisticView will draw a line profile for a planar figure (code line 558). This part only checks if the planar figure and its geometry is not null. So the function ComputeIntensityProfile(timeStep) will be called and in this ReadPixel() for a non-existing pixel.

New remote branch pushed: bug-16172-PlanarFigureOutOfBoundsCrash

[e9814b]: Merge branch 'bug-16172-PlanarFigureOutOfBoundsCrash'

Merged commits:

2013-09-30 12:52:14 Jasmin Metzger [e3212c]
Add a error message to the handling with out of bounds planar figures.

2013-09-27 16:05:41 Jasmin Metzger [99a430]
Complemented the WriteStatisticToGui function for a check if the closed planar figure is out of bounds and so no intensity profile can be calculated.