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Crash after loading a segmentation without reference image
Closed, ResolvedPublic


steps to reproduce:

  1. load an image
  2. draw a segmentation
  3. save the segmentation
  4. restart the workbench
  5. load segmentation

-> Crash

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-16612-FixCrashAfterLoadingASegmentationWithoutRreferenceImage

[cc78ee]: Merge branch 'bug-16612-FixCrashAfterLoadingASegmentationWithoutRrefer

Merged commits:

2013-12-04 15:50:58 Adrian Winterstein [8d3d86]
Check for null pointer of current geometry 3d.

[1271e0]: Merge branch 'bug-16612-FixCrashAfterLoadingASegmentationWithoutRrefer

Merged commits:

2013-12-04 16:17:20 Adrian Winterstein [9a43c4]
Check for null pointer of m_MultiWidget.