In order to identify and access specific render windows we need a naming convention for the render windows.
Currently the StdMultiWidgetEditor keeps a vector of the four render windows and allows to access them by using the strings axial, saggital, coronal, and 3d.
The render window itself are kept in the QmitkStdMultiWidget and are named stdmulti.widget1, stdmulti.widget2, stdmulti.widget3 and stdmulti.widget4.
If we want to dynamically add and remove render windows and allow to change the view direction, we need a different naming.
Using some kind of layout-class, we could think about adressing the render windows by its position in the widget (e.g. a cell inside a grid layout).
- what happens if we remove render windows at a certain position; does this change the naming / identification of other render windows?