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Workbench crashes after DICOM retrieval
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  • Configure a PACS for Q/R in the DICOM View . I did test with the DKFZ scientific database, but maybe public PACS or other options show the same behaviour
  • Search e.g. time based , last week's data
  • select all, and retrieve
  • data gets downloaded -> it's in the folder afterwards, don't know if complete but I think so


  • workbench crashes, console stays open, probably because storescp is still running or was terminated separately


  • DICOM module shows downloaded data sets and workbench keeps running

2021.02 release installer, Windows 10

cc @gaoh : you mentioned you are doing the same but successfully? Or did you use an older MITK version?

Event Timeline

nolden triaged this task as High priority.Mar 12 2021, 3:45 PM
nolden created this task.

T28207 describes how to test it without the wDB. When searching for DICOM query retrieve there are already different tasks open with all similar problems

nolden claimed this task.

@gaoh thanks for pointing there, I will close this one as a duplicate