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[Properties] Fine-tune selection widget
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the selection widget, helper nodes and nodes containing no data are shown like “stdmulti.widget0.plane”, “stdmulti.widget1.plane”, “stdmulti.widget2.plane” and “Widgets”.

Also auto-selection seems not to be enabled/ fully functioning for example when opening the view while a node is already selected in the Data Manager.

OS: Win10, BigSur

Edited by @kislinsk

Event Timeline

kislinsk renamed this task from Point Set Rendering Properties: Selected Node shows other planes too to [Properties] Fine-tune selection widget.Oct 29 2021, 8:22 PM
kislinsk triaged this task as Low priority.
kislinsk updated the task description. (Show Details)
kislinsk removed a project: Request for Discussion.
kislinsk removed subscribers: kalali, floca, kompan.

Maybe I can clarify a few things:

  1. I think it is important to also show helper nodes. In the basic simple case this leads to only showing the widget planes but in other scenarios helper nodes might be important to inspect. However, we could think about adding a checkbox inside a node-selection dialog to show / hide helper nodes, if the list of nodes is too long in scenarios with many helper nodes.
  1. The automatic selection of nodes when the plugin view is opened works such that a "selected" node in the data manager is used for the selection widget. However, it does not work like e.g. the Segmentation View selection widgets were a node is always selected, also upon opening the view. We can add this by adding m_Controls.singleSlot->SetAutoSelectNewNodes(true); I propose not to do this since this will lead to the issue mentioned in T29140: [Selection widget] Optional selection can not be removed if a fitting node is always found. So either allowing auto select but removing optional mode or leave it as it is.
kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Moved to

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