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Crosshair switches to not shown on every perspective change
Closed, ResolvedPublic


SVN Checkout: 20084
When changing perspective the cross hair always switches to invisible, even when the functionality was used before and the cross hair has been set to visible in both the perspective switched to and from.

Event Timeline

[SVN revision 20134]
FIX (#2945): use Visible/Hidden instead of PartVisible/PartHidden to set default parameter of SegmentationView.

when hiding SegmentationView crosshair is set back to visible (standard setting).

If we are switching between Segmentation and Measurments the crosshair is visible instead of invisible (cause: T2937 ).

Close MeasurementView
Open SegmentationView --> call QmitkSegmentationView::Visible() .. CrosshairOFF

--> call QmitkMeasurement::Hidden() ........ CrosshairON