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wald (Diana Nabers)


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User Details

User Since
Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (416 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Aug 2 2016

wald added projects to T17525: Number of bins of the histogram in the statistics view is fix defined: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:11 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T15141: Integrate Image- and Surface Masking in SegmentationUtilities.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15141-ImageAndSurfaceMasking

Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
wald added a comment to T15141: Integrate Image- and Surface Masking in SegmentationUtilities.

Reopen bug.

Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
wald added projects to T15141: Integrate Image- and Surface Masking in SegmentationUtilities: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 10:03 AM · MITK (2013-09), Bugzilla
wald added a comment to T13478: Total Variation Filter from BasicImageProcessing View causes crash.

[39b12c]: Merge branch 'bug-13478-TotalVariationFilterCrash'

Merged commits:

2013-08-19 18:23:41 Diana Wald [ac0e2a]
Correct error in filtername

Aug 2 2016, 9:58 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T13478: Total Variation Filter from BasicImageProcessing View causes crash.

[5fd14e]: Merge branch 'bug-13478-TotalVariationFilterCrash'

Merged commits:

2013-08-14 16:21:03 Diana Wald [eae6e3]
Convert short to float image by use of the itkCastImageFilter

Aug 2 2016, 9:58 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T13478: Total Variation Filter from BasicImageProcessing View causes crash.

Error occurred during conversion from short to float image.

Aug 2 2016, 9:58 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T13162: No statistics is calculated for the "line profile": MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:57 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T13161: Segmentation module causes crash on using wipe with 2d image.

Results from last bug squashing:

Aug 2 2016, 9:57 AM · MITK (2012-12), Bugzilla
wald added projects to T13160: QTableWidget in Statistics view should not be editable: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:57 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T12827: RegionGrowing "Confirm segmentation" produces empty segmentation from a correct preview.

Since this bug seems to be working again, i will close this bug.

Aug 2 2016, 9:56 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T12762: Calculate Volume Plug-In: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:56 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T12182: Department logo not shown in 3d render window.

Correction: The reason why the logo was not shown, was due to the first if-command in method OnPreferencesChanged of QmitkStdMultiWidgetEditor. Here we access to the preference "Department Logo" which has not been set before. Consequently, the logo is disabled.

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T12182: Department logo not shown in 3d render window.

Solution number 2 was implemented. I think this was the most cleanest way to solve this bug.

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T12182: Department logo not shown in 3d render window.

So far there is no preference in the GUI for showing the MBI Logo.

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T12182: Department logo not shown in 3d render window.

[a5df7c]: Merge branch 'bug-12182-DepartmentLogoNotShownIn3D'

Merged commits:

2012-07-04 15:20:41 Diana Wald [0e2746]
Enable MBI Logo in 3D render window

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T12079: Rename IRenderWindowPart::GetRenderWindow to GetQmitkRenderWindow.

What is the status of this bug? should we rename GetRenderWindow or should we close this bug as wont fix?

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · MITK (2012-09), Bugzilla
wald added a comment to T12071: Opacity of lines in the measurement bundle cannot be changed.

Issue is solved. Please take a look in bug-12071-ChangeOpacityAndColorPropertyOfPlanarFigure to verify the solution.

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · MITK (2012-09), Bugzilla
wald added a comment to T12071: Opacity of lines in the measurement bundle cannot be changed.

[9e3270]: Merge branch 'bug-12071-ChangeOpacityAndColorPropertyOfPlanarFigure'

Merged commits:

2012-09-13 16:45:41 Diana Wald [f18831]
Added constants for enum PlanarFigureDisplayMode

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · MITK (2012-09), Bugzilla
wald added a comment to T12036: Segmentation crash when creating very small contours with activated 3D interpolation.

The error occurs only when 3D interpolation is activated.
Assign bug to Andreas Fetzer.

Aug 2 2016, 9:54 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T11797: resetting bounding box in image cropper does not work as expected.

In my opinion, the behaviour is correct. By pushing the reset button, the actual bounding box will be reseted to its initial state.

Aug 2 2016, 9:53 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T11406: mitkBoundingObject geometry is weird.

When bug is fixed, mitkBoundingObjectCutterTest should be enabled again.

Aug 2 2016, 9:52 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T11406: mitkBoundingObject geometry is weird: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:52 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T11169: Image cropper bounding box type can not be changed without closing.

[5b17fe]: Merge branch 'bug-11169-ImageCropper_BoxTypeCannotBeChanged'

Merged commits:

2012-08-02 12:17:32 Diana Wald [b93f93]
Reset or create a new bounding box have now the same behavior, it open the select bounding box dialog

Aug 2 2016, 9:52 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T11068: Statistics view crash.

The error occurs due to the contour points which are created by the 3D segmentation mode. I assign the bug to Andreas Fetzer.
Thank you for the bug report.

Aug 2 2016, 9:51 AM · MITK (2012-09), Bugzilla
wald added a comment to T10783: Improve handling of Load/Save .nii.gz, .img, .img.gz, .gipl, .gipl.gz.

Thank you for the bug report and the proposed solution.

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10783: Improve handling of Load/Save .nii.gz, .img, .img.gz, .gipl, .gipl.gz.

Hey Matt,

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10719: Implement the curved MPR for MITK.

what is the status of this bug?

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10650: Enable File compression.

[71fc53]: Merge branch 'bug-10650-EnableFileCompression'

Merged commits:

2012-01-26 11:18:20 Diana Wald [7ef6ec]
COMP support raw files in its compressed form

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T10650: Enable File compression: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10650: Enable File compression.

[4dc074]: Merge branch 'bug-10650-EnableFileCompression'

Merged commits:

2012-01-25 16:11:53 Diana Wald [27b0f0]
Use file compression if available

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10650: Enable File compression.

After discussing this issue, we have decided to enable the compression mode by default for all image files in MITK. This includes for example following file extensions: MHD, NHDR, NRRD ..

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T10458: checkbox for PACS like mouse interactions is by default checked: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T10453: Create central MITK examples bundle for openCV: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10377: Progress of opening a project is not shown.

[8b751e]: Merge branch 'bug-10377-AddProgressBarForOpeningMITKProject'

Merged commits:

2012-05-23 16:41:27 Diana Wald [c0c163]
Added progress bar to show status of the process when loading a mitk project

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10337: Too many different definitions of constants like pi are floating around..

[4ad423]: Merge branch 'bug-10337-UseMathDefinitionForPI'

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10337: Too many different definitions of constants like pi are floating around..

Use of pi has not been changed in the utilities.

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10340: Add hdr extension to list of known extensions.

[15ea13]: Merge branch 'bug-10340-AddHDRtoExtensionMap'

Merged commits:

2012-01-25 18:25:47 Diana Wald [36fe5a]
Added .HDR, .IMG.GZ and .NII.GZ to the extension map

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10340: Add hdr extension to list of known extensions.

Related to T10783 the extensions .nii.gz and .img.gz should also be added to the ExtensionMap since they are already supported by the MITK file reader.

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10285: Create central MITK examples bundle.

will do

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T10285: Create central MITK examples bundle.

Due to the OpenCV dependency of the video player we moved this bundle to a new examples bundle called examplesopencv.

Aug 2 2016, 9:50 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9589: Flip Image Filter for Basicimageprocessing.

What is the status of this bug?

Aug 2 2016, 9:48 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9438: Moviemaker does not work correctly - wrong window and white background.

This issue is solved by T9833. I will close this bug!

Aug 2 2016, 9:48 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T9394: 2D renderwindows cannot show segmentation nodes: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:48 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9223: Measurement: Polygon add-point-to-line interaction is not correct.

Bug is fixed, we can close this bug.

Aug 2 2016, 9:47 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9223: Measurement: Polygon add-point-to-line interaction is not correct.

[90e548]: Merge branch 'bug-9223-AddPointToPoligoneLine'

Aug 2 2016, 9:47 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9218: Crash after closing new window.

[d1eeb8]: Merge branch 'bug-9218-DisableNewWindowMenuEntry'

Merged commits:

2012-05-02 17:21:19 Diana Wald [58e99d]
Disable New Window menu entry

Aug 2 2016, 9:47 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9218: Crash after closing new window.

From now on, the menu item "New Window" is disabled or rather it is no longer displayed. If someone want to use the "New Window" feature, he/she have to set showNewWindowMenuItem in QmitkExtWorkbenchWindowAdvisor to true.

Aug 2 2016, 9:47 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9218: Crash after closing new window.

Since "New Window" did not work properly in its current state, it should be disabled for the normal MITK user. However, a propoerty should be implemented to enable this feature if somebody like to use it.

Aug 2 2016, 9:47 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9218: Crash after closing new window.

This crash also occurs if you click in a render window after closing the second window.

Aug 2 2016, 9:47 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T9117: type_info objects may get hidden visibility on gcc < 4.5.

This bug could not be reproduced on Windows and nor on Linux machines of Jan and Thomas vB.

Aug 2 2016, 9:47 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8772: org.mitk.gui.qt.measurement crashes on second measurement.

The crash could also not reproduce on the Linux Machine of Thomas K and Thomas vB.

Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8772: org.mitk.gui.qt.measurement crashes on second measurement.

Crash only occures on Linux.. Michi and I will take a look at it today..

Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T8518: Port materialeditor bundle to CTK: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8518: Port materialeditor bundle to CTK.

[1428ee]: Merge branch 'bug-8518-PortMaterialEditorBundleToCTK'

Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8508: Port volumetry bundle to CTK.

[ff82ec]: Merge branch 'bug-8508-PortVolumetryBundleToCTK'

Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8507: Port imagestatistics bundle to CTK.

[b47232]: Merge branch 'bug-8507-PortImageStatisticsBundleToCTK'

Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T8508: Port volumetry bundle to CTK: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T8507: Port imagestatistics bundle to CTK: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8507: Port imagestatistics bundle to CTK.

[1190c4]: Merge branch 'bug-8507-PortImageStatisticsBundleToCTK'

Aug 2 2016, 9:46 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8452: Port Segmentation Bundle to CTK.

[eabbe3]: Merge branch 'bug-8452-PortSegmentationToCTK'

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T8437: port org.mitk.gui.qt.moviemaker and org.mitk.gui.qt.imagenavigator bundle to CTK: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8437: port org.mitk.gui.qt.moviemaker and org.mitk.gui.qt.imagenavigator bundle to CTK.

[99efde]: Merge branch 'bug-8437-Port_MovieMaker_And_ImageNagivatorBundle_To_CTK

Merged commits:

2011-06-08 16:54:08 Diana Wald [1b1969]
Set new CTK Plugins on exclude list

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8431: port the three bundles org.mitk.gui.qt.pointsetinteraction, org.mitk.gui.qt.python.console, org.mitk.gui.qt.videoplayer to CTK.

[4ef39d]: Merge branch 'bug-8431-PortVideoPlayer'

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8431: port the three bundles org.mitk.gui.qt.pointsetinteraction, org.mitk.gui.qt.python.console, org.mitk.gui.qt.videoplayer to CTK.

[472672]: Merge branch 'bug-8431-PortPointSetInteractionToCTK'

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8372: Image Navigator stops working, when a bundle was closed.

I'll give it a try..

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8320: Statics Bundle - Histogram not working.

The Histogram of the Imagestatistics was not working, because the VTK cmake flag VTK_USE_QVTK_QTOPENGL was on ON. It forced the vtkQtChartArea class to use QT OpenGL rendering, which conflicted with the normal OpenGL rendering in the vtkRenderWindow.

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8320: Statics Bundle - Histogram not working.

[70ab20]: Merge branch 'bug-8320-DoNotUseOPENGLinVTK'

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8320: Statics Bundle - Histogram not working.

[926e33]: Merge branch 'bug-8320-HistogramNotWorking'

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8308: ImageStatisticsCalculator crashes on ignoring zero value voxels.

[f1577f]: Merge branch 'bug-8308-ImageStatisticsCalculatorCrash'

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8308: ImageStatisticsCalculator crashes on ignoring zero value voxels.

Tested the bundle with the uploaded images and no crash occured (Win7, 64bit).

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8308: ImageStatisticsCalculator crashes on ignoring zero value voxels.

Sven, could you please varify the fix. Does the change prevent your crash? If yes, please close this bug.

Aug 2 2016, 9:45 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8033: [Dashboard] VirtualTrackingDeviceTest fails.

[8c4776]: Merge branch 'bug-8033-VirtualTrackingDeviceTest'

Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8033: [Dashboard] VirtualTrackingDeviceTest fails.

[3029c2]: Merge branch 'bug-8033-VirtualTrackingDeviceTest'

Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T8033: [Dashboard] VirtualTrackingDeviceTest fails.

We added output of position and time for debugging purposes. If the test fails again, we will have a look at the actual values and try to solve the issue.

Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T7997: Crash in SegmentationConstructionKit when using tool after closing project.

[0a2523]: Merge branch 'bug-7997-SegmentationConstructionKitCrash'

Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T7995: Error in SegmentationConstructionKit when bounding object exceeds image region.

[278c68]: Merge branch 'bug-7995-MITK-BoundingObjectExceedsImageRegion'

Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T7997: Crash in SegmentationConstructionKit when using tool after closing project: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T7634: Extend unittest for PlanarPolygon.

what is the status of this bug?

Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T7557: Wrong color in multi widget.

Remove party flag to clean up party list.

Aug 2 2016, 9:44 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T6951: Image Cropper - Bounding Box is strange.

[801b71]: Merge branch 'bug-6951-BoundingBoxIsStrange'

Merged commits:

2012-03-28 14:16:10 Diana Wald [d16d5e]
adjusted corner-based behavior to center-based and adjusted spacing to wrap the image fully

Aug 2 2016, 9:43 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T6951: Image Cropper - Bounding Box is strange.

[5fd0d0]: Merge branch 'bug-6951-BoundingBoxIsStrangeFIX'

Merged commits:

2012-03-28 15:04:20 Diana Wald [3fde67]
COMP Disable BoundingObjectCutterTest until T11406 is fixed

Aug 2 2016, 9:43 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T6948: GuessMIMEType doesn't recognize RTFs correctly.

[337693]: Merge branch 'bug-6948-GuessMIMETypeForRTFs'

Aug 2 2016, 9:43 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T6831: Make BlueBerry locale independent: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:43 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T6681: Make mitk/Core/Code/Algorithms/ locale independent: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:42 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T6682: Make mitk/Core locale independent: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:42 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added projects to T6508: crash when switching tabs after closing pointregistration tab: MITK, Bugzilla.
Aug 2 2016, 9:42 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T6156: if the segmentation volume is smaller than 0.1 ml, the volume can not be showed correctly..

Xin, please commit your changes and close the bug ;-)

Aug 2 2016, 9:41 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5863: no filewriter/reader for mitk::seedsimage available.

Bug was discussed with Bastian. Seed images are a new feature for segmentation algorithm. Hence, we switch bug componente from ExtApp to Segmentation.

Aug 2 2016, 9:41 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5862: Lookup tables are not used (displayed).

Thomas, are you still working on this issue?

Aug 2 2016, 9:41 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5562: Measurement Bundle doesn't activate correctly after perspective change.

[SVN revision 27236]
FIX (#5562): insert bundle into the m_VisibleStandaloneFunctionalities container only if it is a exclusiveFunctionality.

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to F610: 5562JustInsertExclusiveFunctionalities.patch.

New modifications for solving this issue

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM
wald added a comment to T5562: Measurement Bundle doesn't activate correctly after perspective change.

QmitkFunctionalityCoordinator activates a Bundle only if ONE Standalone Functionality is visible. But in case of the measurement perspective two bundles are visible at the same time (measurement AND statistics bundle). Here, the activate method of the measurement bundle in not called automatically and the interactor is never set. To solve this problem we made some small changes in QmitkFunctionalityCoordinator::PartHidden (see Patch). Modification should be discussed with Michael.

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5562: Measurement Bundle doesn't activate correctly after perspective change.

Fix for activating measurement Bundle

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5562: Measurement Bundle doesn't activate correctly after perspective change.

New modifications for solving this issue

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to F609: 5562ActivateMeasurementBundle.patch.

Fix for activating measurement Bundle

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM
wald added a comment to T5551: Usability of vector-field visualization.

Is this really a party bug?

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5543: Tensor Toolkit Integration.

Removed party tag. Is this really necessary for the open source part of Diffusion Imaging?

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5500: Facilitate convinient interacion with surfaces in 3D.

What is the status of this bug?

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK
wald added a comment to T5410: The mitk::AutoCropImageFilter changes the offset of the Original Image.

This Bug has been fixed by #11213. I will close it.

Aug 2 2016, 9:40 AM · Bugzilla, MITK