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[Segmentation] "Ignore Label Lock" wipes off any label present in it
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"Ignore Label Lock" checkbox found Preview generating in tools like Otsu, TotalSegmentator etc. is buggy.


  1. Load Pic3D image.
  2. Start segmentation view > Label list shows Group 0 with "Label 1".
  3. Draw a mask using eg. Add tool into "Label 1".
  4. Goto Otsu tool > Click Preview with "Number of Regions" 2 > Preview Generated.
  5. Check "Ignore Label Lock" and Press Confirm Segmentation button.

Two new labels Otsu 1 and Otsu 2 are confirmed. Label 1 still exists in the Group has lost its data!

Event Timeline

a178n updated the task description. (Show Details)

I don't understand the propblem. It behaves like it should. If you ignore locks and transfer all otsu labels, all other labels of a group will be wiped (but still the label exist, as tools do not delete label instances but only pixels), because otsu covers all pixels.

Ya, you are right. I didn't think it through. A Group cannot have overlapping labels. Hence, when asked to Ignore Label lock, would mean it has to go when Otsu-generated labels are confirmed.