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SAM tool: Enable 2D RGB image support
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SAM is originally created for real world images. It would be a bonus for MITK to enable 2D RGB image support for generic purposes.

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a178n triaged this task as Normal priority.Jun 27 2023, 5:01 PM
a178n created this task.

what is the problem here/where do you lose the other channels? shouldn't it work out of the box already?

I am not sure what happens when 2D 3 channel is loaded for segmentation. Never tested the behaviour of the SegWithPreviewTool API. From my side, I need to update the wrapper to accommodate for 3 channel images. Of course, it's a straightforward change but at the moment, 3-channel won't work.

a178n claimed this task.

Code test and patched for 2D image support.