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MITK MiniApps in Kaapana
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gaoh created this task.

If I haven't missed something we can directly replace MitkCLResampleImageToReference with MitkMapImage. I can patch the according Kaapana files as soon as we have the new MITK installer. Do we have tests for the containers?

Regarding the reduced size: That means you would like to have an installer with just commandline apps. Or would it be also OK if you could use also the normal MITK installer?

If I haven't missed something we can directly replace MitkCLResampleImageToReference with MitkMapImage. I can patch the according Kaapana files as soon as we have the new MITK installer. Do we have tests for the containers?

The CI runs some workflows, but I don't think that all piplines (in extenstions e.g. radiomics) have a workflow CI test. So some manual testing would be requiered.

Regarding the reduced size: That means you would like to have an installer with just commandline apps. Or would it be also OK if you could use also the normal MITK installer?

I don't know the size of the normal installer. But if it is not that big, it does not matter. But less is always better:)

kislinsk triaged this task as Normal priority.Jun 17 2024, 2:40 PM

What is with MitkCLGlobalImageFeatures, it is not expected to be part of MITK anymore? Or is it still part of it?

In T30359#260125, @gaoh wrote:

What is with MitkCLGlobalImageFeatures, it is not expected to be part of MITK anymore? Or is it still part of it?

It is still a part of MITK. So far we haven't deprecated it as it is still a used dependency. It is one of 4 CL apps that we kept.