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Add TotalSegmentator MR image (v 2.2) support in MITK
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Since v 2.2 Totalsegmentator has introduced support for MR images. The new feature is added a new task and command line invocation look like:

TotalSegmentator -i mri.nii.gz -o segmentations --task total_mr

We need to update MITK Totalsegmentator tool for total_mr task support.

Event Timeline

a178n triaged this task as High priority.Jun 3 2024, 5:39 PM
a178n created this task.

The new MR task feature is not just straightfwd pip version update change in MITK for installation.
The total_mr brings new 56 label name set.
There would be code updates to parse & apply it in mitkTotalSegmentator.cpp.

What would be your estimate regaridng the effort? Lets talk about it tomorrow?

After meeting, it was decided to push for 2024.06 release

Deleted branch from rMITK MITK: feature/T30457-totalseg-mri.