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2024 Week 32 (Early August)
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rMITK4bb99c50ca31: Merge branch 'master' into develop
rMITKb39043058722: Merge branch 'bugfix/T30473-Qt_v6.7-Packaging-On-Windows' into develop
rMITK908ee3e33fd8: Totalsegmentator dependency fix
rMITKdfee4f84afad: Merge branch 'bugfix/T30483-FixTyposInSegmentationUtilities' into develop
rMITK846e41531a9c: Merge branch 'bugfix/T29421-RemoveCPPRestSDK' into develop
rMITKc07e7ef1cdb4: T30481 DICOM handling multiple images with no position
rMITKb43651fc8666: T30475 Added app for splitting dynamic images
rMITK31d3c0df98b6: Fix handling of images with NaN pixel values
rMITK5f7b36e760a2: Switch off httplib in minimal configuration
rMITKc26a804d3f76: Set signal curve and legend text color to gray.
rMITK52a07c80dd0d: Call SetAutoSelectNewNodes an the end of CreateQtPartControl in MRPerfusionView
rMITK0b72a4ca94bc: Merge branch 'bugfix/T30499-DoubleUnregister' into develop
rMITKc80ff622c8e6: T30476-Expose_DCM_block_split_reason
rMITK88bacd5611fc: Merge branch 'bugfix/T30501-MoveApps' into develop
rMITK4b69f8fcd598: Merge branch 'bugfix/T30502-FixUnusedVariableWarnings' into develop
T29421: Finding CppRestSDK library alternative
T30473: MITK PACKAGE fails with Qt v6.7 on Windows
T30475: Add app for Splitting dynamic data sets
T30477: Remove MiniApp suffix from ModelFit cmdapps
T30479: [Seg] Totalseg and SAM/MedSAM tool fails
T30481: [DICOM] Handle multiple images with no position information correctly
T30483: Fix typos in Segmentation Utilities
T30485: MITK Workbench freezes on 4-d images with empty time steps
T30486: [DCM] Directory loading feature does not work sometimes
T30491: Switch off MITK_USE_httplib in Minimal.cmake build configuration
T30499: [Segmentation] Crash in Segmentation View when switching tasks in a Segmentation Task List
T30501: Move Fuse3Dto4DImage and Split4Dto3DImages apps from ModelFit to CoreCmdApps module
T30502: Make MITK compile on older compiler again

Event Timeline

kislinsk triaged this task as Normal priority.Aug 8 2024, 6:26 AM
kislinsk created this task.

Deleted branch from rMITK MITK: release/T30503-2024-Week-32.