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Create unittest for class PlanarSubdivisionPolygon
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create a unittest for the class PlanarSubdivisionPolygon implemented with T8505.

Should test the correct calculation of the subdivision interpolation. All other functionalities should already be covered by the PlanarPolygon unittest. (ToDo: check if all functionalities are tested)

Event Timeline

Created unittest and copied the one from PlanarPolygon.
Additionally, the following checks are made:

  • Subdivision point generation depth (5 by default)
  • Tension parameter (0.0625 by default)
  • correct number o- Number of control points after placement
  • Test if property 'closed' is set by default
  • Number of polylines after placement subdivision points for this depth level (128)
  • Test if control points are in correct order in polyline
  • Test if subdivision points are calculated correctly (checking if subdivision point #48 actually has the coordinates that I precalculated for it)


  • check for measurements (not working yet because measurements for PlanarSubdivisionPolygon still have to be implemented)

unittest for PlanarSubdivisionPolygon (see T8505)

updated patch, including fixes in planarSubdivisionPolygon.

impplementiert in branch bug-8506-create-unittest-for-planarsubdivisionpolygon und
gemergt in branch bug-8505-implement-class-planarsubdivisionpolygon mit commit:
gemergt in master mit commit 3a68a00f9295ac0856f0454b78ebc99884de9cad

Merging "applicazion modules" component with "ExtApp plugins"

Due to changes on the class subdivision polygon the unittest needs to be modified.

[f33ecc]: Merge branch 'bug-8506-create-unittest-for-planarsubdivisionpolygon' C

Merged commits:

2011-08-09 14:39:21 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [308b87]
added property initiallyplaced and set maximum numbers to 1000