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Implement class PlanarSubdivisionPolygon
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To draw polygons with smoothed edges the class PlanarSubdivisionPolygon should be implemented. The class should derive from PlanarPolygon and should override the method GeneratePolyLine. To get the additional control points for the lines, subdivison interpolation should be used.

Event Timeline

I implemented the class and created the neccessary entries in other MITK classes to make this tool work. There is still a bug left where new points created are inserted at the wrong position, causing the polylines to connect control points in a wrong order.

class implemented and bug fixed.

Patchfile that implements PlanarSubdivisionPolygon class.

[ebcb77]: Merge branch 'bug-8505-implement-class-planarsubdivisionpolygon'

Merged commits:

2011-07-18 09:49:00 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [de4d06]
Implemented new class PlanarSubdivisionPolygon

Die neuesten Änderungen für die Klasse PlanarSubdiviosnPolygon befinden sich scheinbar im patch in T8506

[3a68a0]: Merge branch 'bug-8505-implement-class-planarsubdivisionpolygon'

Merged commits:

2011-07-18 11:56:27 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [9f51fa]
Merge branch 'bug-8506-create-unittest-for-planarsubdivisionpolygon' into bug-8505-implement-class-planarsubdivisionpolygon


2011-07-18 11:47:16 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [ab58bc]
implemented unittest for planarsubdivisionpolygon

Please don't use German in public Bugzilla comments.

reopened for code cleanup. parent class already has the functionality implemented. Only small modifications for methods of PlanarPolygon to make subdivisonPolygon work.

[0f6e46]: Merge branch 'bug-8505-implement-class-planarsubdivisionpolygon'

Merged commits:

2011-07-26 15:15:29 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [dd20c0]
code cleanup: parent class has already functionality implemented

Merging "applicazion modules" component with "ExtApp plugins"

[77a029]: Merge branch 'bug-8505-implement-class-planarsubdivisionpolygon'


Merged commits:

2011-08-09 13:46:12 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [2da052]
code cleanup: changed setting of property

2011-08-09 13:40:59 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [fc8349]
bugfix: again possible to finish the polygon placing

2011-08-08 14:26:36 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [0fd2b6]
modified calculation of correction points and code cleanup