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Enhance StateMachine.xml for BinaryImageInteractor
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The StateMachine BinaryImageInteractor should be enhanced in StateMachine.xml so that users are able to correct existing segmentations.

Event Timeline

[5133ac]: Merge branch 'bug-8953-enhace-statemachine-binaryimageinteractor'

Merged commits:

2011-08-17 14:19:55 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [fc17a6]
wrong file changed reseting to fromer version

2011-08-17 14:10:13 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [9bc54e]
not using escape button to end correction mode

2011-08-03 16:03:55 Danial Bin Mohamed Saruji [391b14]
enhanced statemachine for binaryimageinteractor

One transition needs to be added so that the shown correction region is still visible when scrolling through the slices with the mouse wheel.

the mitkBaseRenderer needs to be modified in the method WheelEvent:

only change is that the wheelEvent we should be mapped before the displayposition for the positionevent is determined

Still needs to be integrated to master, only living in releases/snapshot_201109

Is there still active development on this issure, or can we close this bug?

No, this issue has been fixed in the process of porting the interactor to the new interaction framework.

Nothing to do here...