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- Aug 1 2016, 12:10 PM (431 w, 15 h)
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Aug 2 2016
introduce new events
changed the implementation design from mitkMessage to the common itkEvent concept.
[SVN revision 29727]
FIX (#6932): added new events; events get invoked after interaction has ended
[SVN revision 27277]
FIX (#5921): check if polydatas are the same
check if polydatas are the same
[SVN revision 27918]
FIX (#5886): clone the IndexToWorldTransform before applying it to the output image; using itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter instead of itkCropImageFilter
some refactoring:
- Getter-Method for the calculated image region
- itkRegionOfInterestImageFilter instead of itkCropImageFilter when extracting the image region from the input
[SVN revision 27235]
FIX (#5866): emit signal "WidgetPlaneModeChange(int)" when changing plane mode
[SVN revision 26273]
FIX (#5433): removed unused parameters
closing this bug, since it is a duplicate of #4017
[SVN revision 26098]
ENH (#5303): added a filter to create segmentations out of boundingobjects
[SVN revision 26174]
ENH (#5304): - migrated WorkingDataSelectionBox to Qt4 with basic functionality
- added RoiDataSelectionBox and BoundingObjectWidget
[SVN revision 26108]
ENH (#5304): -adding ROI support to BinaryThresholdTool
- adding SpinBox to GUI
[SVN revision 27926]
ENH (#5304): added first version of MaskAndCutRoiImageFilter; minor changes to Mask- and PadImageFilter
[SVN revision 25995]
ENH (#5303): -added a function to remove a boundingobject from the group
-use a deque instead of itk::VectorContainer for m_BoundingObjects
[SVN revision 26665]
ENH (#5304): added member vars (+ getter/setter) to store the minima/maxima pixel values of the original image in the masked area.
[SVN revision 27919]
FIX (#5303): correct region calculation
[SVN revision 26002]
ENH (#5304): adding getter, setter, observer and a new message for roi data
[SVN revision 26094]
FIX (#5303): fixing warnings of uninitialized variables
[SVN revision 26037]
ENH (#5304): adding flag for ROI support
[SVN revision 25984]
FIX (#5300): only try to get name from node if it exists. adjusted the visibility of labels
[SVN revision 26136]
FIX (#5294): leave the last contour point retrieved from ipMITKSegmentationGetContour8N out, when creating mitk::Contour
The warnings are produced because of coincident points in the contour. When getting the contour from ipMITKSegmentationGetContour8N the first ant the last point are equal. Leaving the last point out seems to produce correct contours without vtk-warnings. Need to do some testing
current Progress
seems that there is still a problem when transforming worldcoordinates into unitbased pixel coordinates. setting dependency to T4692
adding a patch showing the current progress
The function WorldToIndex In mitkGeometry3D (line 323), which takes world coordinates in mm and processes them into discrete index coordinates in units, might do something wrong.
commited the changes of the attached patch, to make the segmentationbundle usable again. Still some files still have to be checked.
[SVN revision 26029]
ENH (#4872): adding new NodeDescriptor "NoneBinaryImage"
attached a patch, that should correct the IsIndexInside function, when it is an image geometry
patch for correcting the IsIndexInside function
[SVN revision 24463]
FIX (#4601): now the bounding object is created on user request, so the popup does not block the application on startup. Also cleaned up the code a bit
we decided that it is better to create the bounding object on user request. now the dialog only pops up when the user presses the new boundingbox button or when changeing the image in the combobox
[SVN revision 23894]
FIX (#4385): IsInside method now uses the VtkTransform, which caches the inverse.
this bug has been fixed in rev:23804 see T4333
showing offset on Pic3D
attached example pic, to show the produced offset
after testing some more pictures, it seems that the problem occurs on all images. (but on Pic3D it's easier to see). if you do not delete the boundingobject in the imagecropper after croping you can see, that the upper and the left border of the image is not inside the boundingobject and that the pixelvalue of those pixels outside have a value of 0. on the right and the bottom border, there are pixels inside the boundingobject that have no value, thus not existing in the cropped image. maybe this is related to some changes made in tik3.16 ?
the problem only occurs in border areas of rotated mr images.
BoundingObjectSegmentation on rotated MR
as mentioned above, the problems only occurs on rotated mr images. on "normal" images the IsInside method evaluates correctly.
My test case: Create a boundingobject (e.g. a cube) and use the BoundingObjectCutter to cut it out.
result when creating a binary image out of a rotated MR when using the BoundingObjectCutter
maybe this is also related to T4692. i'll test it after applying ivo's patch
(In reply to comment #1)
Can you provide a minimal example that shows the behavior? Ideally as a test
[SVN revision 22726]
FIX (#3847): changed signal from sliderMoved to valueChanged
[SVN revision 22727]
FIX (#3842): added m_DrawActionsGroup for exclusive triggering and a check if the planar figure is initialized
[SVN revision 22955]
FIX (#3724): added a destructor for opExchangeNodes (which is a mitk::Operation). when called, it removes the observers from m_Node, m_OldData and m_NewData
only clicking in one of the 2D-views lead to the crash, other interaction is possible. When clicking inside a 2D-view, the NodeDeleted callback function is executed.
(In reply to comment #3)
[SVN revision 22214]
FIX (#3476): removed debug message and changed notation in plugin.xml
[SVN revision 21775]
FIX (#3438): set dialog to a fixed size of 300x50
[SVN revision 21773]
FIX (#3417): Don't delete ThresholdToolManager, just clear the data
can't reproduce it here. maybe this bug was related to #3417. Jochen, can you try to reproduce it?
[SVN revision 22067]
FIX (#2472): fixed progress bar behavior