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Create dynamic welcome screen
Closed, WontfixPublic


  • best solution would be to create an dedicated extension point for welcome screen items. Eclipse has something similar we should check first.
  • first solution: display all registered perspectives. Use bigger icons and put text in "description" tag.

Use IPerspectiveRegistry::GetPerspectives() to get started.

RFD for resource planning.

Event Timeline

Has this been discussed? The current implementation of a message box saying "The content of this message box can be changed in [...]" is really rather bland.

Resource planning did not take place. Feel free to start working on it ;-) (first solution first).

No Welcome Screen shown at all, when starting current ExtApp for first time.

kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.
This task was automatically closed because it wasn't updated at least since July 2016 (over 2 years). Please re-open this task if you think that it is still relevant. This most probably means that you will resolve it.