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MITK Diffusion crashes when changing from Visualization to Preprocessing
Closed, InvalidPublic


Steps to reproduce:

  • Start MITK Diffusion
  • Switch to Visualization Perspective
  • Save a single screenshot
  • Try to change to Preprocessing Perspective

-> Application crashes

If an image is loaded before the screenshot is made, the application doesn't crash when changing the perspective but it crashes during closing.

Event Timeline

can't reproduce (ubuntu 12.04)

Can not consistently reproduce, but probably a similar error:

  1. Start Application
  2. Close Welcome Editor
  3. Switch to Visualization perspective
  4. Activate Screenshot Maker View
  5. Close Application
  6. Start Application

-> Crash

Could not reproduce either of the mentioned crashes on OSX.

A rebuild fixed the second problem, so probably the first as well.

The rebuild solved the first problem as well

kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:30 PM
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:36 PM
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.