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Add vector of B-Values of image stack to mitk::DiffusionImages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Instead needing to recompute them every time via gradient direction (/magnitude),
provide a std::vector<int> GetBValues() Method, that returns all b-values corresponding to an image.

Use this list, to re-write the IVIM Plugin, to counter a bug that occurs when DICOMs do not have direction information listed (isotropic diffusion).

Event Timeline

New remote branch pushed: bug-15887-AddBValuesVectorToMITKDiffusionImagesMakeIVIMReconstUseThisVector

this is needed, since else data sets from newer siemens scanners cannot be evaluated any more.

Please take a look at the bValueMap containing all BValues and corresponding gradient direction indices.

Jonas and I talked about the solution.
The fix is now, to adapt the gradient direction vector to (1,1,1) when this (dicom) field is empty. this way the already existing bvalues map is still used.
and no changes in the IVIM plugin are needed, only the DICOM reader is modified.

New remote branch pushed: bug-15887-DealWithMissingGradDirs

New remote branch pushed: bug-15887-DealWithMissingGradDirs-Integration

[5635cc]: Merge branch 'bug-15887-DealWithMissingGradDirs-Integration'

Merged commits:

2013-09-20 13:03:10 Christian Weber [eb247a]
Merge branch 'bug-15887-DealWithMissingGradDirs' into bug-15887-DealWithMissingGradDirs-Integration

2013-09-20 12:44:04 Christian Weber [66f06a]
adapt gradient when none are supplied

New remote branch pushed: bug-15887-FixBrokenCheck

[a02706]: Merge branch 'bug-15887-FixBrokenCheck'

Merged commits:

2013-10-15 19:21:07 Christian Weber [661a97]
do not check for b-val == zero!!!

[0f0a08]: Merge branch 'bug-15887-FixBrokenCheck'

Merged commits:

2013-10-16 15:31:06 Christian Weber [bcdab3]
assure b >0 for gradient correction