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Interface Rigid Registration should be redesigned.
Closed, WontfixPublic


The interface of the Rigid Registration Functionality is extremely user unfriendly, especially now that support for registration with a resolution pyramid approach is added.

Previously it was already possible to save and load registration parameters/settings. These settings can now also be used to specify the registration parameters for separate levels in pyramidal registration, but that has to be done by entering the names of the presets (comma separated for each resolution level) in a text field. The same holds for the way that the schemes for the resolution pyramids are set. This is unclear and laborious, since you will first have to create settings and save them. Furthermore, if you decide to use a pyramid the pages in which you can specify a transformation, metric, optimizer and interpolator are still available, which is confusing.

The next problem that rises is the problem that you give settings that aren't supported by the registration classes. For example it is possible to tell the functionality to use several different transforms for a pyramidal registration, while actually only Affine registration is supported. The same holds for metrics and interpolators, which can't be changed at the transition from one level to another, although the interface seems to allow this.

Since this functionality is open source it might be worthwhile to take a good look at these problems.

Shortly what needs to be done is:

  • Decide what functionality we will allow in pyramidal registration (as far as combinations of optimizers, metrics, transformations and interpolations between different levels in the pyramidal registrations are concerned)
  • Design a new user friendly interface in which it is possible to specify a single registration, but also pyramidal registration. It should be clear someway or another what settings will be used.
  • Inform the user correctly about the possibilities. Maybe perform a check on the given presets?
  • Update the documentation.

Event Timeline

Daniel, any comment on this? Can we check the non-release-relevant flag? Are you working on this? Or has this been done already together with the 3M changes?

Actually, the pyramidal part needs some good ideas on how to include it into the rigid registration module. Because of the user-unfriendlyness and because this module belongs to the open-source part of MITK the pyramidal part was removed from the GUI for 3M3. Has to be readded with a user-friendly GUI.

Merging "applicazion modules" component with "ExtApp plugins"

goch claimed this task.
goch added a subscriber: goch.

This will no longer be relevant once T20202: Deprecate our registration in favor of MatchPoint has been resolved.

kislinsk removed goch as the assignee of this task.
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.