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Insert error functionality in MitkChart
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Is currently available in QmitkPlotWidget. Add it to MitkChart.

  • SetCurveData(id, xValues, yValues, xLowerError, xUpperError, yLowerError, yUpperError)
  • SetErrorPen
  • SetErrorStylesSymbols

Event Timeline

Error Bars are currently not supported by C3.js (see

We would need to implement it into C3.js ourselves or find a different solution. @hentsch and I will discuss it.

One current use case of error bars is in the CEST view:

error_bars.png (664×1 px, 15 KB)

While this functionality only uses y error bars, it would be a good idea to support x error bars as well. Optionally supporting error corridors would be a nice to have, but is not something I would insist on.

Please note that error bars can be asymmetric.

following code implements error bars on bar charts:

var chart = c3.generate({
    data: {
        columns: [
            ['data1', 300, 350, 300, 200, 150, 230],
        types: {
            data1: 'bar',
        onresized: function () {
        updateErrorBars(); // need to be fixed..

var errors = [50, 20, 30, 20, 40, 100];

var errorBars ='#chart svg .c3-chart').append('g');

    .attr('class', function (d, i) { return 'error-line-' + i; });

function updateErrorBars() {

    d3.selectAll('.c3-bar').each(function (d, i) {
        var segList = this.pathSegList,
            yPos = segList.getItem(1).y,
            xPos = (segList.getItem(2).x + segList.getItem(0).x) / 2;'.error-line-' + i)
            .attr('d', function (d) {
                return 'M' + xPos + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + xPos + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
                    'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +

setTimeout(updateErrorBars, 500);

With line chart, it's problematic because of deprecated svg function that is no longer available in Chromium (which is used also by QWebEngineView). See

Following code implements error bars also with line (works also with current chrome *yeah*):

var chart = c3.generate({
    data: {
        columns: [
            ['data1', 300, 350, 300, 200, 150, 230],
        types: {
            data1: 'line',
        onresized: function () {
        updateErrorBars(); // need to be fixed..

var errors = [50, 20, 30, 20, 40, 100];

var errorBars ='#chart svg .c3-chart').append('g');

    .attr('class', function (d, i) { return 'error-line-' + i; });

function updateErrorBars() {
    d3.selectAll('.c3-line').each(function (d, i) {
     var dataLength ='data1').length
	for (i = 0; i<dataLength; i++){
        var segList = this.pathSegList,
            yPos = segList.getItem(i).y,
            xPos = (segList.getItem(i).x + segList.getItem(i).x) / 2;
  '.error-line-' + i)
            .attr('d', function (d) {
                return 'M' + xPos + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + xPos + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
                    'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
setTimeout(updateErrorBars, 500);

This is an example for error bars in multiple datasets (line and bar at the same time).


  • This code gets more complicated every minute we work on it. It will be nearly impossible to understand and/or change it in the future.
  • The size of the errorbars is now in pixels. We would need to scale them according to the zoom-level of the chart. This would make it even more complicated.
  • When the chart is resized, the error bars are not updated and stay in the previous position.
function updateErrorBars(chartTypes){
   var lineKeyList = []
   var barKeyList = []
  for (var key in chartTypes)
    if (chartTypes[key]=='line'){
    //alert("line" + key)
    else if (chartTypes[key]=='bar'){
    //alert("bar" + key)

function updateErrorBarsLine(lineKeyList) {
		var loopCount = -1
    d3.selectAll('.c3-line').each(function (d, i) {
    var segList = this.pathSegList
    var dataLength = segList.numberOfItems
    for (i = 0; i<dataLength; i++){
    	yPos = segList.getItem(i).y,
      xPos = (segList.getItem(i).x + segList.getItem(i).x) / 2;
      //alert('.error-line-data' + loopCount + '-' + i)
      errorBars.get(lineKeyList[loopCount]).select('.error-' + lineKeyList[loopCount] + '-' + i)
      .attr('d', function (d) {
      	return 'M' + xPos + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
        	'L' + xPos + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
          'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
          'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
          'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
          'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +

function updateErrorBarsBar(barKeyList) {

    loopCount = 0;
    indx = -1
    len_data = dataLength.get(barKeyList[loopCount])
    d3.selectAll('.c3-bar').each(function (d, i) {
        if (indx==len_data){
        	indx = 0
          len_data = dataLength.get(barKeyList[loopCount])
        var segList = this.pathSegList,
            yPos = segList.getItem(1).y,
            xPos = (segList.getItem(2).x + segList.getItem(0).x) / 2;
        errorBars.get(barKeyList[loopCount]).select('.error-' + barKeyList[loopCount] + '-' + indx)
            .attr('d', function (d) {
                return 'M' + xPos + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + xPos + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
                    'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos + d/2) + ' ' +
                    'M' + (xPos - 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +
                    'L' + (xPos + 5) + ',' + (yPos - d/2) + ' ' +


var chart = c3.generate({
    data: {
        columns: [
            ['data1', 300, 350, 300, 200, 150, 230],
            ['data2', 200, 280, 310, 130, 250],
            ['data3', 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30]
        types: {
            data1: 'line',
            data2: 'bar',
            data3: 'bar'
        onresized: function () {
        updateErrorBars(data); // need to be fixed..

var errors1 = [50, 20, 30, 20, 40, 100];
var errors2 = [10, 10, 10, 10, 10];
var errors3 = [30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30];

var errors = new Map()

errors.set('data1', errors1)
errors.set('data2', errors2)
errors.set('data3', errors3)

var chartTypes = {'data1' : 'line', 'data2' : 'bar', 'data3' : 'bar'}
dataLength=new Map();
for(var key in chartTypes){
  dataLength.set(key, errors.get(key).length);

var errorBars = new Map()
for(var key in chartTypes)
	errorBars.set(key,'#chart svg .c3-chart').append('g'));
    .attr('class', function (d, i) { return 'error-' + key + '-' + i; });

setTimeout(updateErrorBars(chartTypes), 500);

Conclusion: It's not worth the effort.
MitkChart will only get error bars if the feature is implemented in C3js.

hentsch claimed this task.
hentsch added a subscriber: steint.
hentsch closed this task as a duplicate of Restricted Maniphest Task.Jan 18 2019, 1:22 PM