This tasks integrates the latest developments, presented in T25622.
It will include the latest changes and bugfixes before it will be merged into master as a first open test version.
- solve initialization bugs
- fix known bugs (T25705, T25706)
- perform tests
- build on Linux
- merge into master (currently under review in D175)
- hide from outcry
Important changes:
- context menu actions removed from the data manager view
- data manager now uses the QmitkDataNodeContextMenu from 'org.mitk.gui.qt.application'
- hotkeys preference page uses the global actions - data manager does not contain any actions anymore
- moved OpenRenderWindowPart from the data manager to the workbenchutil:
- moved implementation of GetRenderWindowPart (with IRenderWindowPartStrategy) from the abstract view to the workbenchutil
- possible migration conflict: views that rely on the QmitkAbstractView to provide IRenderWindowPartStrategy values now need to access the workbenchutil
- => e.g. inside the QmitkSegmentationView: GetRenderWindowPart(OPEN) becomes GetRenderWindowPart(mitk::WorkbenchUtil::OPEN)
- moved QmitkInfoDialog from the data manager plugin to 'org.mitk.gui.qt.application'
- moved mitkIContextMenuAction from the data manager plugin to 'org.mitk.gui.qt.application'
- set the default org.blueberry.ui.editors of QmitkStdMultiWidgetEditor to false
- added QmitkCustomMultiWidget to the QtWidgets module
- added QmitkRenderWindowWidget.cpp to the QtWidgets module
- added org.mitk.gui.qt.custommultiwidgeteditor plugin
- added QmitkMultiWidgetConfigurationToolBar to the QtWidgets module
- added QmitkInteractionSchemeToolBar to the QtWidgets module
- added QmitkMultiWidgetLayoutSelectionWidget to the QtWidgets module
- added actions (with icons) in org.mitk.gui.qt.ext plugin
- QmitkOpenCustomMultiWidgetEditorAction
- QmitkOpenStdMultiWidgetEditorAction
- added QmitkViewCoordinator::PartInputChanged
- added IRenderWindowPartListener::RenderWindowPartInputChanged
- refactored DisplayInteraction concept (Core changes)
- added mitkDisplayActionEventBroadcast to the Core module
- added mitkDisplayActionEventFunctions to the Core module
- added mitkDisplayActionEvents to the Core module
- added mitkDisplayActionEventHandler to the Core module
- added mitkStdDisplayActionEventHandler to the Core module
- added mitkInteractionSchemeSwitcher to the Core module
- move GetTopLayerNode from mitkDisplayInteractor, QmitkImageNavigatorView and QmitkStdMultiWidget to the data storage and call it FindTopmostVisibleNode
- mitkImageVtkMapper2D: made "LookupTable" property base renderer aware
- added QmitkAbstractDataNodeAction and subclasses to org.mitk.gui.qt.application
- added QmitkDataNodeContextMenu to org.mitk.gui.qt.application
- changed QmitkDataNodeManagerView to use the new QmitkDataNodeContextMenu
- remove all actions from the QmitkDataNodeManagerView
- moved adding actions to node descriptors from the QmitkDataNodeManagerView to the QmitkDataNodeContextMenu