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Extend "Checkliste MultiLabel Segmentierung – Utilities"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In T28110, @kalali wrote:

All tools have to check for the following usage scenario:

  • segmentation on a 3D image
  • 3D segmentation (static) on a 4D (dynamic) image
  • 4D segmentation on a 4D image
  • All this with an image which time geometry does not start at 0 ms (e.g. MITK-Data/3D+t-ITKIO-TestData/LinearModel_4D_arbitrary_time_geometry.nrrd)

What the segmentation should look like/how it is generated must be specified per tool. But for all tools the following post conditions should apply:

  • Tools can be activated, used /confirmed.
  • The timestep of the reference image stays the same and is not changed by starting the segmentation.
  • Using the tool does not change the geometry of the segmentation (so 3D stays 3D and 4D segs are still 4D segs after the tool usage).

Extend the segmentation check lists accordingly.

For the multi label segmentation view it is important to test multiple segmentations, even on different layers.

Todos for the current release

  • Align the content of the checklist with the latest features of the MITK (only release-relevant features / plugins)
  • Find appropriate data for the GUI tests and define them in the checklist
  • Use the checklist to test the GUI functionality and open tasks for failed test
  • Note down GUI tests that can be automated in the future (e.g. put into basic module tests)

Event Timeline

kalali triaged this task as High priority.Jan 1 2021, 1:33 PM
kalali created this task.
kalali removed kalali as the assignee of this task.Jan 1 2021, 3:00 PM
kalali moved this task from Backlog to Test/Checklists on the MITK (v2021.02) board.
kalali lowered the priority of this task from High to Normal.Feb 12 2021, 12:23 PM
kalali edited projects, added MITK; removed MITK (v2021.02).
kalali claimed this task.

Was adapted for the 2021.10 release with the following findings (more related tasks see comment before):

I will close this task now. Reducing the checklists by automating UI tests / making unit tests out of it is a different topic.

Also: The checklists probably need to be adapted again after the two Utilities-Views are merged to a single view.