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[Py] UC2.2 - Load images and manipulate with a sitk filter
Closed, ResolvedPublic


import mitk.core
import mitk.ioutil
import SimpleITK as sitk

loaded_images = mitk.ioutil.load(file_name) #return array of loaded images
gaussian = sitk.SmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter()
blur_image = gaussian.Execute(loaded_image[0].access_as_sitkimage())

Event Timeline

floca renamed this task from Please enter a meaningful title to [Py] UC6 - Load images and manipulate with a sitk filter.Feb 20 2024, 12:13 PM
floca triaged this task as Normal priority.
floca created this task.
floca renamed this task from [Py] UC6 - Load images and manipulate with a sitk filter to [Py] UC2.3 - Load images and manipulate with a sitk filter.Mar 7 2024, 10:58 AM
floca renamed this task from [Py] UC2.3 - Load images and manipulate with a sitk filter to [Py] UC2.2 - Load images and manipulate with a sitk filter.Mar 7 2024, 11:15 AM
kislinsk added a project: Moved to

This task was closed here on Phabricator since it was migrated to GitLab. Please continue on GitLab.