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Crash when simultaneously displaying tiny and normally-sized image data
Closed, InvalidPublic


With the fixes in T2021, it is now possible to load and interact with tiny image datasets (very small spacing).

A problem that persists is that when loading both a *very* tiny and a normally-sized image dataset, the application crashes (in VTK). (However, no problem occurs for "reasonably" small datasets (e.g. as seen in small animal CT loaded together with normally sized datasets.)

Call stack:

vtkImaging.dll!vtkImageResliceSetPixels<short>::Set(void * & outPtrV=0x00000000, const void * inPtrV=0x112b6aa0, int numscalars=1, int n=128000) Line 1706 + 0x9 bytes C++

vtkImaging.dll!vtkImageResliceClearExecute(vtkImageReslice * self=0x16aab490, vtkImageData * formal=0x16aaeb28, vtkImageData * formal=0x16aaeb28, vtkImageData * outData=0x16ab1068, void * outPtr=0x00000000, int * outExt=0x1c7fff74, int id=3) Line 1892 + 0x20 bytes C++

vtkImaging.dll!vtkImageReslice::ThreadedRequestData(vtkInformation * formal=0x16ab4400, vtkInformation * formal=0x16ab4400, vtkInformation * __formal=0x16ab4400, vtkImageData * * * inData=0x10f6c0a0, vtkImageData * * outData=0x110cc630, int * outExt=0x1c7fff74, int id=3) Line 3391 + 0x25 bytes C++

vtkFiltering.dll!vtkThreadedImageAlgorithmThreadedExecute(void * arg=0x16aabf7c) Line 203 + 0x41 bytes C++

	[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]

Event Timeline

We tried a "tiny" image with dimensions 3x3x1 and spacing 0.5x0.5x0.5 and Pic3D; MITK doesnt crash and interactions work.

Please provide the original images, where the crash occured.

(In reply to comment #1)

We tried a "tiny" image with dimensions 3x3x1 and spacing 0.5x0.5x0.5 and
Pic3D; MITK doesnt crash and interactions work.

Please provide the original images, where the crash occured.

"tiny" was meant for the spacing (not for the dimensions!)

e.g. when having one dataset with spacing of 0.00001x0.00001x0.00001 and another one with spacing of 1.0x1.0x1.0, the problem would occur.

You can easily reproduce this by saving e.g. Pic3D in MHD format and by modifying the spacing in the MHD header e.g. to the above values.

But honestly I don't know if this is worth the effort. If there was such a keyword i would mark this as possibly "party_hard" :)

feel free to mark WONTFIX

By debugging this issue our system (Windows 7, 64bit) completly freezed down. Maybe a Linux or Mac user can have a look at this bug (or we use the WONTFIX option).

Resetting all bugs without active assignee flag to "CONFIRMED". Change status to IN_PROGRESS if you are working on it.

Due to its severity, this bug is considered relevant for the upcoming 2012.09 release.

Please check the status and consider fixing this bug for 2012.09.

Successfully tested this on Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. Tiny and normal image could be displayed simultaneously.

Successfully tested on Mac also. Resolve bug to "WORKSFORME"

kislinsk changed the task status from Invalid to Spite.Jun 27 2018, 1:30 PM
kislinsk added a project: Bulk Edit.
kislinsk changed the task status from Spite to Invalid.Jun 27 2018, 1:36 PM
kislinsk removed a project: Bulk Edit.