When loading an mitk::Image from DICOM, it could be very useful to have DICOM tags available as mitk::Properties.
The most sensible place to initiate this copy is in DicomSeriesReader (implementation could require a separate class, only called from the reader).
Two hints for implementation:
ITK's GDCMImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation() is the place where ImageIO puts DICOM tags into MetaDataDictionary.
Attached patch modifies DicomSeriesReader to just copy all MetaDataDictionary entries into StringProperties.
- The patch needs cleaning
- The list of copied dict entries, too
- Name and value type of tags should be considered
- (e.g. for developers it would be nice to see the tag name instead of element and group)
- Whether these are properties of the image or the node is unclear
- ...?