[Fri May 13 02:36:34 2011
0.223] CoreObjectFactory c'tor
#0.370# ERROR: Reference dump contains a key'Geometry.TimeBounds.' (value '').
#0.370# ERROR: This key is expected to be generated for tests (but was not). Most probably you need to update your test data.
#0.370# ERROR: Image 0 did not load as expected.
[0.370] Expected:
Pixeltype: SHORT
BitsPerPixel: 16
Dimension: 3
Dimensions: 64 64 6
Matrix: 5.25 0 0 0 5.2468 0.139598 0 -0.183222 3.99757 Offset: -159.672 -309.974 -69.0122 Center: 0 0 0 Translation: -159.672 -309.974 -69.0122 Scale: 1 1 1 Origin: -159.672 -309.974 -69.0122 Spacing: 5.25 5.25 4 TimeBounds: -3.40282e+38 3.40282e+38
Pixeltype: SHORT
BitsPerPixel: 16
Dimension: 3
Dimensions: 64 64 6
Matrix: 5.25 0 0 0 5.2468 0.139598 0 -0.183222 3.99757 Offset: -159.672 -309.974 -69.0122 Center: 0 0 0 Translation: -159.672 -309.974 -69.0122 Scale: 1 1 1 Origin: -159.672 -309.974 -69.0122 Spacing: 5.25 5.25 4 TimeBounds: -3.40282e+38 3.40282e+38