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New ImageVtkMapper2D does not render all images
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The new mitkImageVtkMapper2D does not render all types of images.

The attached image and the test date set "P0214_scaled_0.55_0.55_0.55.pic.gz" of the 3M3 demodata are not rendered. Additionally, the crosshair also becomes invisible when loading one of these images.

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dti images are also not rendered

The attached minipic3d and the data set "P0214_scaled_0.55_0.55_0.55.pic.gz" do not call any method (update/generateData/getVtk) of the new mapper.

That means that there is a problem in our rendering pipeline or the pictures are corrupted. They only can be rendered if previously another images was loaded.

Iggi and I figured out that the actor of the dti image is rendered correctly
inside a vtkRenderWindow, the lookuptable is not responsible, and the
RenderOpaque method is called. However, the image is still "invisible".

I figured out that the dti images return always 0 in the VTK method HasTranslucentPolygonalGeometry(), and therefore they are rendered opaque. However, they can only be rendered in translucent mode for some reason. In the 3D renderwindow the translucent mode is always used and thus they are rendered all the time.

Resetting all bugs without active assignee flag to "CONFIRMED". Change status to IN_PROGRESS if you are working on it.

dti images and those pictures are rendered now.