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Remember Save-File Path
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It would be nice for the MITK apps to remember the last path used to save a file for the next save dialog. The same behavior is already working for opening files. (static variable?)

Event Timeline

[07a596]: Merge branch 'bug-8686-RememberSaveFilePath'

Merged commits:

2011-07-13 14:10:18 Alfred Franz [4245b0]
added static variable to remember the last path

Currently this fix only works for the
File->Save Project
dialogue, which is used to save .mitk files. It would be nice to have this implemented for the datamanager-right click version as well, which can be used to save single images.

Personally I would like to have something similar to the file open approach, which remembers the last file open path even across sessions, by storing it in the prefs.xml like this:

<preferences name="">

<preferences name="General">

		<property name="LastFileOpenPath" value="C:/path/to/file/file.ext"/>



Which is handled in the following files:

Additionally the "Save Project" dialogue should only start in the same directory and NOT set a default filename (at the moment the last filename is used as default).

implemented remembering of path in datamanager right click save dialogue in branch "bug-8686-RememberSaveFilePathInDataManager". Perhaps someone want to check the code before it is merged to the master?

To remember the last file open path across sessions qsettings may be an easier way to store the variable than a xml-file.

[afca2e]: Merge branch 'bug-8686-RememberSaveFilePathInDataManager'

Merged commits:

2011-08-17 16:54:59 Alfred Franz [7d8a70]
added a new save file dialog method which remembers last path and is used by all save methods

[3441a6]: Merge branch 'bug-8686-RememberSaveFilePathInDataManager'

Merged commits:

2011-08-18 15:24:50 Alfred Franz [fd463c]
COMP (#8686): added cast for linux compiler compatibility

[e34765]: Merge branch 'bug-8686-RememberSaveFilePathInDataManager'

Merged commits:

2011-08-18 15:41:55 Alfred Franz [196465]
COMP (#8686): replaced cast by static method of QString for linux compatibility

[6362b6]: Merge branch 'bug-8686-RememberSaveFilePathInDataManager'

Merged commits:

2011-08-18 16:07:52 Alfred Franz [6d2d40]
COMP (#8686): Changed parameter with default value to pointer for linux compatibility

closing this bug because it was fixed a long time ago