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Smoothed Polygon for 4D Segmentation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Create Smoothed Polygon Model is not working for 4D

Event Timeline

I will begin to implement support for 3D+t images at least in a way, that a smoothed polygon model can be created for a specific time slice.

[82b26a]: Merge branch 'bug-9723-Smoothed_Polygon_4D'

Merged commits:

2011-12-14 16:37:57 Jasmin Metzger [dd56cb]
In case of 3D+t segmentations the current time step is used for mesh generation now.

[dac4d5]: Merge branch 'bug-9723-Create-Smoothed-PolygonModel-4D'

Merged commits:

2011-12-16 16:03:20 Andreas Fetzer [11b940]
Reverted previous changes since DataManager. DataManager now again depends on
Realized access to MulitWidget in other way.

Is working so far, thx.

  • When image is quite small (21*22*27), then smoothed polygon model result empty. Propably smoothed away?

Currently: it is not working!

  • Load 4D Binary Image. e.g. T:\Temp\4DSeg.nrrd
  • Rightclick and "Create smoothed polygon model"

Smoothed polygon model is only created 3D of first timestep... not 4D

What is the status of this bug? Please change the target milestone to "AfterNextRelease" if this bug is not relevant or cannot be fixed in time for the 2013-06 release.

This bug could not be fixed for release 2013-06. Setting target milestone to next release

The logic for creation of smoothed polygon model has been moved to QmitkCreatePolygonModelAction class. The algorithm for smoothed polygon model creation is now written using itk filters instead of vtk filters. The usage of 4D images seems to be disabled on purpose.
Task: Reenable the logic for 4D surface generation, check how to combine the resulting surfaces best.

Current release is finished. Reseting target milestone...

The generation of all surfaces in a 4D data set might be quite tedious. Therefore I propose to ask the user before starting generation of all surfaces if he really wants all or just the surface of the actual visible timestep. Any suggestions?

This is a context menu action, right? We could also just offer two entries, one for "Create smoothed polygen model" for the current time-step and another one (maybe adding it conditionally to the context menu, depending on the availability of multiple time-steps) for "Create smoothed polygen model (4D)". Just an idea.

Hi Sascha, good idea.
I'll come to the MITK meeting to discuss this. I think the user should be warned about the time it might take to generate e.g. 20 surfaces. We should also consider moving the surface generation in that case to a background thread to accelerate processing.

The processing is already realized within a background thread, so the warning idea was discarded. Now the same filter as for unsmoothed surface generation is used, which offers a possiblity to smooth the surface and generate surfaces for all timesteps.
I guess this solves the bug.

User mersmann has pushed new remote branch:


[8e4d47]: Merge branch 'bug-9723-4DSmoothedSurfaces'

Merged commits:

2014-02-19 15:26:28 Sven Mersmann [c660a2]
Changed creation of smoothed polygon model from segmentation. Now from each timestep of a 4D segmentation a surface will be generated.