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Multi widget editor responsibilities
Closed, WontfixPublic


The custom multi widget editor should have cleanly defined responsibilities.
The main purpose is

  • to combine several render window widgets in a certain layout
  • to change the decoration of them (color, corner annotation text) according to the preferences
  • to set options that affect all render window widgets (render windows)

The layout can be further moved to a layout handling class.
The decoration can be further moved to a decoration handling class.
The options that affect all render windows have to be further analyzed. They may affect:

  • the type of mouse mode that is active (see PACS-like interaction)
  • navigation synchronization across the render windows
  • crosshair position (depending on the synchronization status)
  • multi widget (editor) preferences

Event Timeline

kalali triaged this task as Normal priority.Feb 6 2018, 5:32 PM
kalali created this task.

The layout management can stay in the multi widget class. This QtWidget should define the layout of the multi widget editor and should allow to dynamically add and remove render window widgets.

kalali renamed this task from Multi widget editor responsibility: Preferences handling, layout handling to Multi widget editor responsibilities.Apr 17 2018, 5:30 PM
kalali updated the task description. (Show Details)

The custom multi widget editor holds a QmitkInteractionSchemeToolBar and a QmitkMultiWidgetConfigurationToolBar.
The interaction scheme tool bar is responsible for the type of mouse mode that is active.
The configuration tool bar is responsible for the navigation synchronization across the render windows.

So the responsibility is not inside the multi widget editor but the editor incldues the widgets to access this functionality.

LayoutManager has been added in T24215.

kislinsk added a project: Auto-closed.
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

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