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[Checklist] LevelWindow checklist does not provide explicit expected results for sufficient verification
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The checklist "Level window" only contains "observe a change" as expected result. This does not ensure a correct behavior.

Two options would be possible:

  1. Provide a specific example for which results/excepted values are provided
  2. Cover functionality in unittests instead

Event Timeline

thomass created this task.
kalali renamed this task from [Checklist] LevelWindow checklist does not provide explicit expected results for suifficient verification to [Checklist] LevelWindow checklist does not provide explicit expected results for sufficient verification .Jan 13 2020, 12:45 PM
kalali moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Jan 22 2021, 12:45 PM
kalali moved this task from Backlog to Test/Checklists on the MITK (v2021.02) board.

I looked through the checklist and updated it to be in line with the already updated checklists (see parent task T28108).
I copied the modified document to E130-Daten\Release\Checklisten\MITK Workbench Release.

The described problem still exists, so the next step would be to check the LevelWindow tests and extend the test set (see T28191).
If we have decided for a specific set of test images, we could add concrete values to compare against in the checklist, if we want to keep these tests in the checklist.

kalali edited projects, added MITK; removed MITK (v2021.02).
kalali added a subscriber: kalali.
kalali edited projects, added MITK (v2022.04); removed MITK, Restricted Project.Nov 17 2021, 1:43 PM
kalali moved this task from Backlog to Tests/Checklists on the MITK (v2022.04) board.
kislinsk claimed this task.
kislinsk added a project: Moved to
kislinsk added a subscriber: kislinsk.

This task was closed here on Phabricator since it was migrated to GitLab. Please continue on GitLab.