As mentioned in T27507 I experience an unexpected behavior. To reproduce:
- open US4DCyl.nrrd
- create a new static segmentation on timestep = 0
- create a new static segmentation on timestep = 1
- create a new static segmentation on timestep = 2
- use the time slider on US4DCyl to change the timestep e.g. to 3
- reinit static segmentation t = 0, t = 1, t =2
- see how all three segmentations show the same image, US4DCyl at timestep 0.
As @floca mentioned in T27509:
That matches the behavior described above. However, I wonder if is intuitive, to define the timestep at which to segment by changing the timestep of US4DCyl instead of reinitializing each segmentation to a specific timestep. (I know that a 3D segmentation mask does not have timestep and covers the whole extend of the dynamic image.)
Maybe other ideas would make this more intuitive (time slider inside the segmentation plugin?).